Research Machining Services

Recent Projects as of (2/7/06)

Fabrication of prototype stainless steel jet fuel injection chamber for Aero & Astro Engineering.


Design & fabrication of prototype fish habitat tanks for Aquaculture Research Center.


Fabrication of test equipment for prototype aluminum airframe skin for Civil Engineering, ALCOA, and Boeing Corp.


Fabrication of prototype pulsejet components for Aero & Astro Engineering.


Design & fabrication of a closed environment growth chamber for Horticulture and NASA.


Design & fabrication of laser enclosures and precision mounts for Bindley Bioscience.


Refurbishing of coal crusher rollers for Wade Power Plant.


Fabrication of components for miniaturization of mass spectrometer for Chemistry.


Design & fabrication of soil distribution machine for Civil Engineering.

Tile Shaker



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