ICSEMS is the Indiana Consortium for Simulation-based Engineering of Materials and Structures. ICSEMS works on modeling and simulation of mechanical behavior of materials and structures. We address manufacturing processes and product design with digital engineering approaches. Our tools are finite element based material and structural analysis backed by the applied mechanics expertise of Purdue faculty.
Collaboration In Digital Engineering
ICSEMS provides an ecosystem for modeling and simulation based engineering where companies (here in Indiana and beyond) can collaborate and tap into Purdue faculty expertise.
Our Partners
We are beyond pleased with the outcome of our IN-MaC experience. Purdue has drastically expanded the capabilities of our engineering department, and we are now able to provide some of the most sophisticated engineering services of any bellows manufacturer. The technical expertise and quality of the Purdue faculty is among the best in the nation, and I would recommend their services to any Indiana business in need of technical assistance.
Purdue faculty have been working with Knauf Insulation in Shelbyville, Ind., a manufacturer of glass fiber insulation materials. During the introduction of a new insulation material into the marketplace, Knauf engineers worked with Purdue faculty to better understand and to fine-tune the material microstructure. Purdue researchers were able to simulate the material microstructure and its deformation and failure response in the computer, and determined how forces are distributed internally to the material. Based on the collaboration with Purdue faculty, Knauf Insulation implemented several new techniques into their R&D processes.
Mission and Rationale
ICSEMS provides members with pre-competitive support in the domain of digital engineering. ICSEMS faculty are experts in applied mechanics and finite element simulations. They have extensive knowledge in stress and deformation analysis, fracture and fatigue. They combine topology optimization with additive manufacturing. Their prior experience encompasses microscale to macroscale problems. Consortium members in collaboration with Purdue faculty define specific pre-competitive research project directions.
Value Proposition
Support consortium members in pre-competitive research goals in computational modeling and simulation based applied mechanics and design of materials and structures, provides member companies with support in design decisions on material selection, potential deformation and failure criteria with reduce need for experimental testing or prototyping.
- Enables consortium members access to Purdue University technical expertise to improve product design, to training short courses, and to online tutorials.
- Provides access to computational (HPC) infrastructure and software, as well as training resources for current employees and to recruiting Purdue University graduates.
Relevant Industry Sectors

Become a Partner with ICSEMS
Interested in ICSEMS? New members are welcome to join ICSEMS at any time. Please contact Dr. Thomas Siegmund at 765-494-9766 or at siegmund@purdue.edu
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 (765) 494-4600
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