Purdue Polytechnic


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The Indiana Manufacturing Competitiveness Center (IN-MaC) aids companies in Indiana and beyond in their digital transformation of manufacturing and operations by providing access to state-of-the-art knowledge and practice in Industry 4.0 methods and tools. IN-MaC strives to create a stronger, more competitive manufacturing ecosystem for Indiana and the nation by focusing on the Digital Transformation of Manufacturing, enabling us to use our resources, expertise, and industrial network to invigorate manufacturing talent pipelines and overcome barriers to the deployment of Industry 4.0 practices, particularly for smaller manufacturers (SMEs) throughout the supply base.

IN-MaC's Digital Transformation efforts are part of the Polytechnic Institute, one of the ten colleges of Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. The center's home academic unit is the School of Engineering Technology, which houses the manufacturing degree programs at Purdue. IN-MaC accomplishes its efforts through three key areas: 1) education and workforce development to transform today’s manufacturing operations employees and to build the talent pipeline; 2) technology adoption and demonstration to enhance competitiveness of Indiana manufacturing companies by supporting implementation and integration of technology and methods; and 3) the intelligent manufacturing testbed, which is a demonstration facility offering prototyping services and research support in a digitally connected facility.