APSAC welcomes new members, presents Excellence Award
May 9, 2013
The Administrative and Professional Staff Advisory Committee recognized outgoing members and new members at its luncheon and meeting on May 8.
The committee also awarded its third annual APSAC Excellence Award, which recognizes A/P staff who consistently perform at an outstanding level.
The members who completed their terms are Bridget Cadwell, David Cadwell, Ken Field, Bob Geswein, Kim Myers and Rhonda White. Geswein will serve as emeritus member for 2013-14.
New members were welcomed at the luncheon and the meeting.
Incoming members and their areas of representation are:
* Mike Loizzo, Office of the President.
* Samantha Reece, Senior Vice President for Business Services.
* Brooke Koomler, Housing and Food Services.
* Salvador Vallejo, Intercollegiate Athletics.
* Mick Haberzetle, Information Technology.
* Kristal Clark, Physical Facilities.
* Christopher Munt, at large.
Officers for 2013-14 are Beau Moore, chair, and Andrea Thomas, vice chair.
Also on May 8, the APSAC Excellence Award was presented to Mitch Nettesheim, senior associate director for facilities and operations in the Division of Recreational Sports. The annual award recognizes a full-time administrative or professional staff member from the West Lafayette campus who demonstrates excellence by showing initiative, leading by example, showing exemplary customer service, acting as a University ambassador and being a high performer.
Nominators wrote that, on top of his normal job duties, Nettesheim served as the project manager for the expansion and renovation of the France A. Córdova Recreational Sports Center. He took the lead in coordinating Recreational Sports' efforts with contractors, construction management, Physical Facilities and recreational center staff. Nettesheim also strives to provide great customer service to the center's users, often addressing their concerns personally, nominators wrote.
Nettesheim will receive a plaque and $1,500. The award is sponsored by the Office of the Executive Vice President for Business and Finance, Treasurer.
Writer: Amanda Hamon, 49-61325, ahamon@purdue.edu