March 21, 2016
Policy on giving and receiving gifts
The Executive Policy Review Group has approved a new policy on Gifts, Gratuities and Recognition (III.B.5), which will be effective April 1.
The policy provides guidance to faculty and staff regarding the appropriate acceptance or refusal of gifts, gratuities, favors and other benefits from third parties. Similarly, colleges, schools, departments and offices will find guidelines and resources pertaining to expenditures on awards, prizes and gifts.
Operating Procedures for Gifts, Gratuities and Recognition supplements the policy by providing parameters for specific types of gifts that may be offered to faculty and staff, including meals, conference registration fees and travel expenses. The procedures also include details for departments and offices on how to establish recognition programs; examples of awards, prizes and gifts; considerations for gifts to students and student athletes; and categories of allowable payments or expenses for foreign public officials.
Visit the University Policies website to read the full text of the policy and procedures.