January 12, 2016
Provost's Office seeking nominations for Morrill Awards
The Office of the Provost is seeking nominations for the fifth annual Morrill Awards, which recognize West Lafayette faculty members' outstanding career achievements. The deadline to submit nominations is Feb. 23.
Desirable candidates are faculty members who have excelled as teachers, researchers and scholars, and in engagement missions. Nominees should have demonstrated synergies among these pursuits. Morrill Awards come with a $30,000 prize, which may be used as discretionary funds or as salary supplements.
Nominations must include:
* A summary, not to exceed three pages, of the nominee's career accomplishments in teaching, research and engagement, as well as the synergies among these three aspects.
* The nominee's current curriculum vitae.
* Three letters of support. A nomination letter counts as one of three letters. A letter from an individual not affiliated with Purdue is encouraged.
Submit nominations with supporting materials to www.purdue.edu/provost/faculty/morrill-awards.html.
The winners will be announced at the Faculty Awards Convocation on April 25.
The Office of the Provost named the Morrill Awards for Justin Smith Morrill, the Vermont congressman who sponsored the 1862 federal Morrill Act, which allowed for the creation of land-grant colleges and universities.
Questions about the nomination process or the awards may be directed to Alyssa Panitch at apanitch@purdue.edu or Angie Schutz at arschutz@purdue.edu in the Office of the Provost.