August 25, 2016

Q and A with Tiffany Eakin, incoming chair of CSSAC

Tiffany Eakin Tiffany Eakin, incoming chair of the Clerical and Service Staff Advisory Committee. (Purdue University photo/John Underwood) Download image

Tiffany Eakin will become chair of the Clerical and Service Staff Advisory Committee on Sept. 13.

Eakin, a secretary in the College of Agriculture's Office of Academic Programs, represents District I – the Office of the Provost and Intercollegiate Athletics.

How long, and in what positions, have you worked at Purdue?

I started as an employee at Purdue while I was a student here. In 2010 I became a student circulation assistant within our fantastic libraries. Upon graduation I took a position within the same libraries I worked in as a student! My passion for student success and recruitment landed me my current position in 2014.

Why did you decide to become involved in CSSAC? In what capacity/on which committees have your served?

I decided to become involved with CSSAC so that I could represent those whom I had worked for during my time in Libraries as well as clerical and service staff that keep this campus running so smoothly and looking so beautiful. I have had countless numbers of people tell me how impressed they are when visiting Purdue's campus. Everywhere you go on campus, you find spaces that are not only functioning at a very high level of efficiency, but appeal to your sense of harmony and creativity. I want Purdue to continue to flourish for generations to come and we cannot do that without our clerical and service staff.

I have been chair of the Communications Committee and been a member on the Healthy Boiler Initiative Committee and the Faculty Compensation and Benefits Committee.

What did you learn as vice chair or as a committee member that will assist you as chair this year?

We have an outstanding workforce at Purdue. Our people are committed to the University and take pride in their professions. I've learned how many hard-working men and women we have. They give their lives to the student body, alumni and overall mission of Purdue. The people of Purdue deserve to have a strong voice that will do its utmost for them and that is exactly what I plan to do.

What will CSSAC be working on during the upcoming academic year?

We already have some great programs in place, for example, our CSSAC newsletter, Campus Connection, which goes out to the entire clerical and service staff. Employee trips to exciting places like our upcoming Chicago winter shopping trip and Lafayette Art Museum pottery classes. Our Professional Development Committee and their yearly grant awards for employees and their dependents is an amazing resource. We also have some very big things on the horizon with our Discounts Committee. Be looking for news about that.  

What are your own goals as the chair of CSSAC?

To keep the course we have set during Pat Carducci's term while growing our visibility within the University. So many of our colleagues don't even know we exist and are therefore missing out on all the wonderful resources we are providing for them. We are here to serve you. Use us!

What would you like faculty and staff to know about CSSAC? 

We are here and they should utilize us. I would charge everyone who reads this to click this link and learn about us. We are here to serve you but we cannot do that if you do not utilize us.

How can faculty/staff get involved with CSSAC?

The faculty can continue to be our greatest supporters and if they have an outstanding clerical or service staff member, prompt them to apply for CSSAC next year. The application window begins in mid-May and continues until the middle of June. Keep this link handy if you know someone in your area that would be a great representative for us!

The DevelopMe tool is another great way for faculty and staff to get involved with a program that CSSAC was lucky enough to be able to provide feedback and ideas for. This is a new program designed by HR to help employees and managers maximize a staff member's potential through a collection of online and in-person trainings, coaching opportunities, and development resources. This tool will be released into varying areas of Purdue on a staggered time frame.

What do you hope to have contributed as chair of CSSAC and the University once your term ends?

I would like to continue to grow, strengthen and advance all clerical and service staff throughout the University in one way or another.

Writer: Greg McClure, 765-4496-9711,

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