Purdue professors discuss Greek crisis, world economy
May 17, 2012
WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — Three Purdue University experts discuss the Greek fiscal crisis and other world economy issues in a series of short videos available online.
Krannert School of Management economics professors Gerald Lynch and David Hummels trace the Greek crisis to the country's decision to adopt the euro, the common European currency. Both say Greece probably has no choice but to abandon the euro and return to the drachma, its previous currency.
Associate management professor Charlene Sullivan says the Greek crisis has put difficult burdens on its citizens, many of whom work for a government that can no longer support their jobs.
The professors also discuss how the world economy affects the United States.
The videos can be found at http://www.krannert.purdue.edu/news/greece-perspective.asp
Topics are Debt & Politics: A Look at Greece; The Euro and Greece; Greece: Economic Crisis Is Personal; The Election in France; U.S. and World Economic Factors; Soft Labor Markets Globally; and Market Volatility.
A 20-minute podcast from Hummels, called Greece, the Euro and EU 101, is available at http://deimos.apple.com/WebObjects/Core.woa/Browse/purdue.edu.7631136099
Contact information for the professors: Lynch, 765-494-4388, lynch@purdue.edu; Hummels, 765-494-4495, hummels@purdue.edu; Sullivan, 765-494-4382, sullivaa@purdue.edu.
Writer: Judith Barra Austin, 765-494-2432, jbaustin@purdue.edu
Source: Tim Newton, Krannert director of external relations and communication, 765-496-7271, tnewton@purdue.edu