Purdue Alert test set for Thursday (Jan. 29)
January 26, 2015
WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. - Purdue University will test its emergency notification system, including sirens, at 10 a.m. Thursday (Jan. 29).
The test will be used to ensure that the system's various layers are working properly and to simulate a live situation for practice, said Ron Wright, Purdue Emergency Preparedness director.
The alert system includes campus-wide emailing, text messaging, Twitter, information posted to the new Campus Status page, All Hazards Outdoor Siren activation, Alertus beacons installed in large classrooms, desktop popup alerts on most classroom and lab computers, and Boiler TV emergency alert system activation. The alert posted to the Campus Status page will state:
"This is the semi-annual TEST of the Purdue emergency warning notification system. This test simulates a level 1 incident. No action is necessary."
If there is inclement weather, the siren test will be canceled.
For information on Purdue safety measures and procedures, go to the Purdue Emergency Preparedness (EP) Office website.
Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to sign up for emergency text alerts from Purdue and familiarize themselves with their Building Emergency Plan. All BEPs are now located on the EP Office website. Everyone should take a few minutes and review their individual emergency response plans for possible evacuation and shelter scenarios. The emergency planning office continues to provide all hazards awareness training. To sign up for a class go to the EP Office website.
Writer: Jim Bush, 765-494-2077, jsbush@purdue.edu
Source: Ron Wright, 765-494-0446, rdwright@purdue.edu