Agriculture News Archive

January 20, 2017

Purdue conference focuses on ending sexual violence

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. - Purdue University’s Multicultural Efforts to end Sexual Assault (MESA) program, in partnership with the Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence, is hosting a conference aimed at preventing sexual violence.

“Margins to Center: Coming Together to Prevent Sexual Violence” will be held Jan. 25, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the Hendricks County 4-H Conference Complex, 1900 E. Main St., Danville. The program, which is co-sponsored by the National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC), includes workshops, presentations and networking opportunities.

 “This event is a wonderful opportunity for people from around the state to come together to focus on creating healthier and safer communities while learning more sexual violence prevention through diverse cultural lenses,” said Kimber Nicoletti-Martinez, MESA director. “The event will feature a diverse group of speakers who will share their expertise and wisdom with us. The day will end with a World Café exercise that will give attendees the opportunity to share their own experiences and ideas on topics expressed earlier in the day.”

Keynote speakers are Tony Porter and Amita Swadhin.

Porter is an author, educator and activist working to advance social justice issues. He is co-founder of A Call to Men, an organization dedicated to preventing violence against women while promoting a healthy, respectful manhood. He has worked extensively with athletes and serves as an adviser to the National Football League, National Basketball Association, National Hockey League and Major League Baseball. Porter has presented program internationally for the U.S. State Department and has been a guest presenter to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.

Swadhin, a rape survivor, will discuss the power of storytelling, survivor leadership and an intersectional approach to prevention. In 2016 she was named a Just Beginnings Collaborative Fellow, focusing on the healing and leadership of LGBTQ people of color who survived child sexual abuse in the movement to end sexual violence.

MESA is a statewide sexual violence program in the Youth Development/Agricultural Education Department and is part of Purdue Extension efforts in the College of Agriculture.

Registration is $10 and includes lunch. Participants can pay at the door if registered in advance. To sign up, go to

For more information, contact Skye Kantola, MESA program coordinator, at or call 817-269-8729. 

Writer: Cheri Frederick, 765-494-2406, 

Source: Kimber Nicoletti-Martinez, 765-496-3492,

Agricultural Communications: (765) 494-8415;
Darrin Pack, 
Agriculture News Page

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