New and Recently Revised Policies and Standards
- 3/01/25 - Assignment, Construction, Alterations, Improvements and Maintenance to Facilities (IV.B.4)
- 3/01/25 - Separation Pay (VI.F.1)
- 12/02/24 - Performance Reviews for Tenured, Tenure-Track, Clinical/Professional and Research Faculty (S-4)
- 12/01/24 - Status and Privileges of Retired Faculty and Staff, Surviving Spouses and Surviving Children (VI.A.1)
- 11/01/24 - Tuition for Employees and Dependents Registered as Students (II.D.3)
- 11/01/24 - Violent Behavior (IV.A.3)
- 10/01/24 - Volunteers (VI.B.2)
- 10/01/24 - Authorship of Scholarly Works (S-24)
Recently Withdrawn Policies
These policies can be found in the Purdue Policy e-Archives.
- 6/01/24 - Approval of Fees and Charges (EVPT A-18)
- 4/01/24 - Purdue Pages on the World Wide Web, Policy for (C-42)
- 4/01/24 - Employee Uniforms (VPBS 184)