Equipment Funding
Click on the links below to find funding opportunities for equipment and instrumentation grants available internally and externally. Links will be updated as needed as programs open annually and may be past the deadline for the current year.
Federal Sponsors
Department of Defense
- Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP) A multi-agency DOD program providing funds for the acquisition of research equipment in the following areas: Mechanical Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Mathematical Sciences, Network Science, Computing Science, Electronics, Physics, Chemistry, Life Sciences, and Materials Science.
Department of Energy
- Laboratory Equipment Donation Program (LEDP) Grants surplus and available used energy-related laboratory equipment to universities for use in energy oriented educational programs.
- Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory User Access Located on the grounds of PNNL, EMSL offers scientists access to instruments housed at the facility. Access is available at no cost but proposals must be submitted to request access.
- Neutron Scattering Science User Access Located on the grounds of ORNL, proposals for beam time on the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) and Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) are accepted.
- Nuclear Science User Facilities (NSUF) University Infrastructure Funding Program (Limited) The program funds two types of infrastructure: university reactor upgrades instructure support and general scientific infrastructure support for universities..
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- Planetary Major Equipment Provides funding for new or upgraded instrumentation required by investigators supported under the Planetary Science Research Program under the ROSES program. The proposal can be submitted as supplemental to a new proposal to PSRP or as a stand-alone equipment request affiliated with an award in the program.
National Institutes of Health
- Shared Instrumentation Grant Program (S10) Open to groups of NIH-supported investigators to purchase or upgrade a single item of specialized, commercially available instrumentation or an integrated system that costs between $50K to $600K.
- High-End Instrumentation Grant Program (S10) Open to groups of NIH-supported investigators to purchase a single major item of equipment for biomedical research that costs between $600K to $2M.
- Shared Instrumentation for Animal Research Grant Program (SIFAR) Open to groups of NIH-supported investigators to purchase equipment for the support of research using animals or related materials.
- Center for Inherited Disease Research High Throughput Genotyping and Sequencing Resource Access (X01) Located on the campus of Johns Hopkins University, CIDR provides high quality next generation sequencing and genotyping services.
National Science Foundation
- Major Research Instrumentation Program (MRI) Proposals must be for either acquisition or development of a single instrument or for equipment that, when combined, serves as an integrated research instrument (physical or virtual).
- CISE Research Infrastructure (CRI) Provides support for both institutional infrastructure and infrastructure for a broad-based community of researchers.
- Earth Sciences: Instrumentation and Facilities (EAR/IF) Supports acquisition or upgrade of research equipment; development of new instrumentation, analytical techniques software; multi-user facilities; and help for early career investigators in establishing their lab.
- Improvements in Facilities, Communications, and Equipment at Biological Field Stations and Marine Laboratories (FSML) Provides support for off-campus facilities for research and education.
- Instrument Development for Biological Research (IDBR) The goal is to produce new systems that would benefit a broad user community through mass distribution of technology. This does not support access to an individual instrument in a user facility or on enhancing research capabilities in a specific research lab or consortium.
- Ocean Technology and Interdisciplinary Coordination Funding for instrumentation development that has broad applicability to ocean science research projects.
- Chemistry Research Instrumentation and Facilities (CRIF) Provides funds for purchase of multi-user instruments and for the establishment and support of multi-user research facilities in the chemical sciences. Temporarily suspended.
Other Sponsors
- National Center for Atmospheric Research Allocations Provides large computing resources for university researchers in atmospheric, oceanic, and related sciences.
- Theodore Dunham, Jr. Grants for Research in Astronomy Provides funds for acquisition of astronomical equipment, computer time, hardware, or software that will be used in astronomy research.
- Unidata Community Equipment Award Provides funding for equipment required so that new members in the geosciences can join the Unidata community and so that existing members can continue their participation.
- World Community Grid Award Allows research proposals focused on humanitarian efforts to use their grid computing technology to accelerate computing results.