seal  Purdue News

August 1, 2003

Purdue offers special activities for new international students

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. – Purdue University will soon welcome new international students to its West Lafayette campus so they can adjust to campus life before classes begin on Monday, Aug. 25.

Most international students newly enrolled in graduate and professional programs will arrive for orientation Monday through Wednesday, Aug. 11-13. Staff from the Office of International Students and Scholars will provide shuttle service from the Purdue Airport, the Lafayette Greyhound bus station and the Lafayette Amtrak station. Staff also will greet students at the Purdue Memorial Union, the drop-off point for the Lafayette Limo shuttle service from the Indianapolis International Airport.

Graduate students will attend orientation programs on Thursday, Aug. 14, or Friday, Aug. 15. Michael Brzezinski, director of International Students and Scholars, said the goal of orientation is to help students become more familiar with what Purdue and the Greater Lafayette community have to offer.

"We want to welcome international students and let them know we appreciate them," Brzezinski said. "We try to make them as comfortable as possible. The students also enjoy a variety of social and cultural programs during which they get to know each other and make lasting friendships."

A reception for the parents of international students will be from 3-4:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 21, in the Purdue Memorial Union Lafayette Room. The students' welcome reception will begin at 7 p.m. Friday, Aug. 22, in the Purdue Memorial Union North Ballroom.

Undergraduate international students will arrive on campus beginning Saturday, Aug. 16. Their orientation sessions will be on Wednesday, Aug. 20.

Activities for all international students will include a trip to Wolf Park in Battle Ground and a shopping trip to Wal-Mart on Saturday, Aug 23.

The Office of International Students and Scholars provided services and support last year for 5,015 international students – 2,101 undergraduates and 2,914 graduate and professional students. Brzezinski said he expects his office to serve a similar number of students this academic year. The office also will continue to coordinate a variety of programs, such as International Awareness Week, the International Friendship Program and the Cultural Perspectives Discussion Series.

CONTACT: Brzezinski, (765) 494-5361,

NOTE TO JOURNALISTS: The media are welcome to cover any of the events related to international student orientation. Contact the Office of International Students and Scholars at (765) 494-7084 to make arrangements.

Purdue News Service: (765) 494-2096;

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