
Current Graduate Students

Diana Narvaez
Camilo Mendoza

Current Undergraduate Students

Alexander Valdes

Andrew Shelly

Past Post-Doctoral Researchers

Yogang Singh

Past Graduate Students

Kevin Simonson

Hernan David Moreno Rueda

Jorge Leon

Jorge Leon received a bachelor degree (2015) and a master degree (2017) in mechanical engineering from University of the Andes (Bogota, Colombia). He has research experience in CFD (Computational fluid dynamics), fluid power, and vehicle dynamics. In August 2017, he started with his doctoral studies at Purdue University in Dr. Jose Garcia and Dr. Brittany Newell’s laboratory. Currently, his research interests are hydraulic hybrid vehicles, and vehicle dynamics.

David Felipe Gonzalez

David Gonzalez is from Bogota – Colombia and is currently working as a visiting scholar for the fall semester (2017). He received a bachelor degree (2015) and a master degree (2017) in mechanical engineering from Universidad de los Andes (Bogota, Colombia). He has research experience in thermodynamics, heat transfer, and energy conversion. Currently, his research interests are additive manufacture and electro active polymers.

Cole Maynard

Cole Maynard is a 1st year doctoral student in the School of Engineering Technology at Purdue University. Cole is an Indiana native, who was born and raised in Marion IN. He received his Bachelors of Science degree in Electrical Engineering Technology from Purdue University in May of 2017 and MSc in 2019. Cole is currently working on a sponsored research project.

Jose Alejandro Solorio

Santiago Guevara

Trevor Mamer

Past Visiting Scholars

Jose Chamorro

Laura Daniela Vallejo

Lucas Noble

Angello Vindrola

Jose Romo