University Faculty Scholars
Office of the Provost and Office of the Executive Vice President for Research
FY 2025-2026
Program Description
The University Faculty Scholars Program is intended to recognize outstanding mid-career faculty who are on an accelerated path for academic distinction. Eligibility includes faculty who hold the rank of tenured associate or full professor who have been in rank for no more than five years, as well as new hires at this academic level if appointed with tenure. Faculty who hold a distinguished or named professorship cannot simultaneously hold a University Faculty Scholar or Showalter Faculty Scholar designation. The University Policy on Distinguished and Named Professorships and Faculty Scholars (VI.C.1) ( governs the Faculty Scholars distinction. Deans are responsible for establishing procedures for nominating and approving University Faculty Scholars in their colleges/schools.
The Office of the Provost has authorized 120 University Faculty Scholar awards, as follows:
- 85 awards will be fully funded by the Provost. These awards will support University Faculty Scholars from all disciplines.
- 15 awards will be funded jointly by the Office of the Provost and the Showalter Foundation through the Office of the Executive Vice President for Research. These awards will support University Faculty Scholars in the life sciences (1) and will be named Showalter Faculty Scholars.
- 20 awards are authorized with the colleges/schools providing full funding for each University Faculty Scholar. It is not anticipated that these awards will be converted to central funding in the future, i.e. the colleges will continue to be responsible for full funding.
Review and Approval Process
Deans are responsible for establishing procedures for nominating and approving University Faculty Scholars in their colleges/schools prior to sending nominations to the Office of the Provost. The nominations for Faculty Scholars, including a summary of the nominees’ accomplishments and requests for approval, should be sent to the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs at the following email address: The email Subject line should read “Faculty Scholar”. All nominations are requested by March 1, with appointments beginning July 1, for consideration for nomination as a Showalter Faculty Scholar. Nominations for University Faculty Scholars may be submitted at other times to accommodate specific situations, and alternative effective dates can be requested.
All candidates from life sciences (1) whose nominations are received by March 1 will be considered for nomination as a Showalter Faculty Scholar. If candidates are not selected to be forwarded to the Showalter Selection Committee for approval as Showalter Faculty Scholars, they will be considered for appointment as a University Faculty Scholar. If they are selected as a Showalter Faculty Scholar and following approval by the Showalter Selection Committee at its annual May meeting, nominees will be appointed as Showalter Faculty Scholars on July 1.
Financial Resources
All University Faculty Scholars will be awarded for five years with an annual allocation of $10,000.
If a University Faculty Scholar leaves Purdue prior to the completion of the award period, any uncommitted balance in the centrally funded award account will be returned to the Provost. Units will be responsible for notifying the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs of these events. Appointments may be revoked where performance or other factors are determined to warrant such action.
A program assessment report will be prepared annually to determine the impact of these awards on the retention of faculty during and following the five-year award period. The distribution of University Faculty Scholars to the academic colleges/schools, based on the total budgeted count of tenure/tenure track faculty lines (filled and unfilled) in each unit, will be recalibrated every five years with notice provided one year in advance of any adjustments.
[1] Life sciences includes faculty whose expertise is in the following areas:
- the environment, including air and water quality
- biochemistry and molecular biology
- disease prevention, diagnosis, progression, treatment and control
- new technologies for food production, preservation, distribution and safety
- medical and biophysical instrumentation including the analysis of large datasets.
Indicates Showalter Award
College of Agriculture
- Catherine Aime, Botany and Plant Pathology
- Laura Bowling, Agronomy
- Kari Clase, Technology, Leadership and Innovation
- Songlin Fei, Forestry and Natural Resources
- Tomas Hook, Forestry and Natural Resources
- Jason Hoverman, Forestry and Natural Resources
- Ian Kaplan, Entomology
- Kee-Hong Kim, Food Science
- Christian Krupke, Entomology
- Shihuan Kuang, Animal Sciences
- Tesfaye Mengiste, Botany and Plant Pathology
- Linda Prokopy, Forestry and Natural Resources
- Jenna Rickus, Agricultural and Biological Engineering
- Marisol Sepulveda, Forestry and Natural Resources
- Elizabeth Tran, Biochemistry
- Bryan Young, Botany and Plant Pathology
College of Education
- Laura Bofferding, Curriculum & Instruction
- Ayse Ciftci, Counseling Psychology
- Marcia Gentry, Gifted, Creative, and Talented Studies
- Jennifer Richardson, Curriculum & Instruction
College of Engineering
- Alina Alexeenko, Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Sunil Bhave, Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Zhihong Chen, Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Jeffrey P. Greeley, Chemical Engineering
- Inseok Hwang, Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Nicole Key, Mechanical Engineering
- Milind Kulkarni, Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Julie Liu, Chemical Engineering
- Na (Luna) Lu, Civil Engineering
- John A. Morgan, Chemical Engineering
- Zoltan Nagy, Chemical Engineering
- Evgeniy Narimanov, Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Vilas Pol, Chemical Engineering
- Minghao Qi, Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Xiulin Ruan, Mechanical Engineering
- Thomas Talavage, Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Vikas Tomar, Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Satish V. Ukkusuri, Civil Engineering
- Pavlos Vlachos, Mechanical Engineering
- Sherry Voytik-Harbin, Biomedical Engineering
- Andrew Whelton, Environmental and Ecological Engineering
- Wenbin Yu, Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Pablo Zavattieri, Civil Engineering
College of Health and Human Sciences
- Stewart Alexander, Consumer Science
- Ximena Arriaga, Psychological Sciences
- Regan Bailey, Nutrition Science
- Jason Cannon, Health Sciences
- Ulrike Dydak, Health Sciences
- Michael G. Heinz, Speech. Language, and Hearing Sciences
- SooCheong(Shawn) Jang, Hospitality & Tourism Management
- Cleve Shields, Human Development & Family Studies
College of Liberal Arts
- Shawn Bauldry, Sociology
- Jeff Brower, Philosophy
- Nadia Brown, Political Science and African American Studies
- Kathryn Brownell, History
- Michael Johnston, English
- Roberta Malo, English
- Valeria Sinclair-Chapman, Political Science
- Dana Tulodzieki, Philosophy
- Christopher Yeomans, Philosophy
- Laura Zanotti, Anthropology
School of Management
- Brian Dineen, Management
- Qi Annabelle Feng, Management
- David Gill, Economics
- Mohitosh Kerjiwal, Economics
- Yanjun Li, Qualitative Methods
- Fabrice Lumineau, Management
- Umit Ozmel, Management
- Chong Xiang, Economics
College of Pharmacy
- Chang-Deng Hu, Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology
Purdue Polytechnic Institute
- Eric Engel, Computer and Informational Technology
- Todd Kelley, Technology, Leadership & Innovation
- Alejandra Magana, Computer & Informational Technology
- Eric Matson, Technology, Leadership & Innovation
- Julia Rayz, Computer & Informational Technology
- Justin Yang, Computer & Informational Technology
- Haiyan Zhang, School of Engineering Technology
College of Science
- Claudio Aguilar, Biological Sciences
- Suzanne Bart, Chemistry
- Guang Chang, Statistics
- Sonia Fahmy, Computer Science
- Chris Hrycyna. Chemistry
- Wen Jiang, Biological Sciences
- Birgit Kaufmann, Mathematics
- Peijun Li, Mathematics
- Nighui Li, Computer Science
- Guagn Lin, Mathematics
- Matthew Lister, Physics & Astronomy
- Chegde Mao, Chemistry
- Peristera Paschou, BiologicalSciences
- Jon Wilker, Chemistry
- Jianlin Xiang, Mathematics
- Qianlai Zhuang, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
College of Veterinary Medicine
- Mohamed Seleem, Comparative Pathobiology
- Wendy Townsend, Veterinary Clinical Sciences