Purdue Highly Prestigious Award Laureates
College of Agriculture

Clint Chapple

Gebisa Ejeta

Songlin Fei

Jozef L Kokini

Michael R Ladisch
College of Engineering

Rakesh Agrawal

Jan Allebach

Santokh Badesha

Stephan Biller

Alexandra Boltasseva

Weng C. Chew

Mung Chiang

Supriyo Datta

Kathleen Howell

Enrique Iglesia

Leah H Jamieson

Sangtae Kim

Tian Li

Mark S Lundstrom

Ajay P. Malshe

William C Oakes

Byron Pipes

Doraiswami Ramkrishna

Gintaras V Reklaitis

Ali Shakouri

Jeffrey J Siirola

Kumares C Sinha

John Sutherland

George Wodicka
College of Health and Human Sciences

Heather Eicher-Miller
College of Liberal Arts

Jeffrey Brower

Ann Marie Clark

Tina Anne Irvine

Michael L Jacovides

Michael Robert Johnston

Trenton C Jones

Daniel R Kelly

Christopher J Lukasik

Nicholas K. Rauh

Swati Srivastava

Robin S Stryker
College of Science

R. Graham Cooks

Christopher Greene

Sabre Kais

Ruichao Ma

Laura J Pyrak-Nolte

Freydoon Shahidi

Eugene H Spafford

Trevor D. Wooley