Deposit Checklist

Use this deposit checklist form to ensure all requirements have been met before submitting your thesis to the Purdue OGSPS. This checklist will help to mitigate common formatting errors.

Please review each item and check all boxes. Once the form is completed, you will be able to submit your thesis.

Required Documents and Permissions

  1. Purdue West Lafayette students (including Purdue Indianapolis students that are receiving their degree through Purdue West Lafayette): Please ensure you have completed the required items that are available in your online student portal:
    1. Master’s students must complete the Master’s Exit Questionnaire.
    2. PhD students must complete both the Doctoral Exit Questionnaire and the Survey of Earned Doctorates.
  2. Purdue Indianapolis, Purdue Fort Wayne, and Purdue Northwest students: Please ensure you have completed the required items that are available in your Plan of Study Portal:
    1. PhD students must complete the Survey of Earned Doctorates.

I have used either the official Purdue Microsoft Word thesis template or the official Purdue LaTeX/Overleaf thesis template to prepare my thesis or dissertation.

I have obtained written permission from original sources when using content from existing and submitted publications and copyrighted material within my thesis or dissertation. I understand that I must keep written permissions for my own records.

Ernest C. Young Hall, Room 170 | 155  S. Grant Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2114 | 765-494-2600

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