Administrative Operations Connection
September 22, 2022 | For the campus and community
Access to sidewalk and bicycle path near Purdue Memorial Union set to close as Grant Street closure continues
As part of the ongoing work near Dudley Hall and Lambertus Hall, access to the sidewalk and bicycle path directly north of the Purdue Memorial Union to and from Grant Street will close Monday (Sept. 26). Access to the loading dock at PMU will be unavailable from Grant Street.
Pedestrian and bicycle traffic will also be unavailable along both sides of Grant Street in the area.
These closures will remain in place through mid-December. Until then, Grant Street will remain closed to vehicular traffic between Northwestern Avenue and North Street.
Pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists should continue to be cautious in the area, obey all posted signs and seek alternate routes.
Questions may be directed to Rick Emery, senior project manager, at or Rustin Meister, project executive, at