Administrative Operations Connection

November 17, 2022 | For the campus and community

John R. Wooden Drive set to close for Ross-Ade Stadium renovations

John R. Wooden Drive is scheduled to close on or after Monday, Nov. 28, to help facilitate renovations at Ross-Ade Stadium. The closure will stretch from north of Tower Drive to south of Joe Tiller Drive.

During the closure, Tower Drive from John R. Wooden Drive to Steven C. Beering Drive will be converted to a one-way for westbound traffic only. Access to the A Lot, just south of Ross-Ade Stadium, will still be maintained. A section of the lot will be unavailable for parking while the project is ongoing.

Both sidewalks on either side of John R. Wooden Drive will also be closed. Pedestrians should utilize the sidewalks along Steven C. Beering Drive west of the Stadium.

The closure and impacts are expected to remain in place through mid-August 2023.

Motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists should use caution in the area and obey all posted signs.

Questions may be directed to Drew Furry, project executive, at

John R. Wooden Drive is scheduled to close on or after Monday, Nov. 28, to help facilitate renovations at Ross-Ade Stadium.