Administrative Operations Connection

April 25, 2024 | For Administrative Operations staff

Values Series: Be Respectful

The Administrative Operations values define how we perform our work. Together, with our purpose and guiding principles, these values serve as the foundation for cultivating a culture that allows all employees to thrive. This series will highlight each value, aiming to provide a deeper understanding of how we, as employees, can incorporate these practices into our everyday work.

The first of three Administrative Operations values is be respectful. Demonstrating respect is a key ingredient for fostering a collaborative work environment. Respect in the workplace extends beyond mere politeness; it involves recognizing the value of each individual's contributions. By creating an environment where respect is expected in every interaction, AO demonstrates kindness that fosters stronger relationships, and ultimately drive greater success. Respect can be shown a multitude of ways in the workplace:

Active Listening: Demonstrate respect by actively listening to colleagues during meetings and discussions, showing genuine interest in their perspectives and ideas.

Acknowledge Contributions: Recognize and appreciate the efforts and contributions of your team members to foster a sense of value and appreciation.

Open Communication: Encourage team members to express their thoughts, concerns, and ideas without fear of judgment.

Punctuality: Arrive on time for meetings, appointments, and deadlines, reflecting your commitment to shared goals and responsibilities.

Inclusive Collaboration: Embrace diversity and ensure a work environment where everyone feels heard, valued, and included in decision-making processes.

Empathy: Understand and acknowledge the challenges faced by your colleagues and offer support when needed.

Appropriate Feedback: Provide constructive information in a thoughtful manner, focusing on improvement rather than criticism.

Recognition: Publicly acknowledge and celebrate the achievements and successes of individuals and the team.

An exercise for conceptualizing the importance of values clarification is available to all AO departments. It can help managers refine their leadership skills by identifying what's important to their employees. To request this exercise, please submit this online form.