
Coaching Tips: How to talk with your professor about your absence

We recommend students talk with their professors to help bridge the gap between a personal/family situation, illness or injury, or any other matters that may be impacting ability to temporarily attend classes, focus on classwork, and/or meet academic deadlines.

To assist with communications, we recommend the following tips to students:

  • Email professor from your Purdue email address to convey initial situation.
  • Discrete language you can use: medical reasons, unexpected personal situation, on-going health needs, family situation, etc.
  • Utilize professor's office hours or ask to schedule an appointment to follow-up about missed coursework.
  • Plan ahead to discuss missed work: quizzes, assignments, exams, class participation.
  • Try to create an action plan with the professor after meeting.
  • Continue to follow-up with professors.
  • If you feel you have been wrongly denied an excused absence or the opportunity to make up missed work by an instructor, you should contact the head of the department offering the course to attempt to resolve the matter.

Example emails to professors:

Example #1

Dear Professor (professor's name),

I am writing to share with you that I have not been able to attend your class (course name and time of course) on the following dates (insert dates here) due to (insert situation here; i.e. illness/flu) situation.  I have been trying to catch-up on course work as best as possible.

Can we set up a time to meet and discuss missed work and possible next steps?

Thank you in advance for your time. I look forward to talking to you soon.


Your name


Example #2

Dear Professor (professor's name),

I am writing to share with you that I will be unable to attend your class (course name and time of course) on the following dates (insert dates here) due to (insert situation here; i.e. illness/flu) situation. I hope to maintain and complete all course requirements that I will miss during my time away.

Can we set up a time to meet and discuss my upcoming absence and coursework?

Thank you in advance for your time. I look forward to talking to you soon.


Your name