
When Where Speaker Presentation/Activities
March 27, 2025: 10 am - 1 pm EasternSTEW 214 A-C and via ZoomKeynote: Deborah Carr, PhD, A&S Distinguished Professor of Sociology, Boston University.

Plus presentations by Gerontology Graduate Students
Topic: Scholars in the Spotlight/Spring Luncheon

Keynote: Beyond the “One Marriage for Life” Model: Older Adults' Complex Family Lives in the 21st Century
April 18, 2025: 12:30 pm - 1:25 pm EasternSTEW 209 and via ZoomErin Dunn, ScD, Professor of SociologyTopic: Colloquium:  Primary Teeth as Novel Biomarkers of Exposure to Early Life Adversity and Later Health Risk


Virtual Panel Discussion

In Fall 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, CALC held a virtual panel discussion in lieu of the annual symposium.

To view video of the Fall Panel Discussion, click here.

Date Theme Speakers
September 11
Protecting Vulnerable Older Adults from COVID-19: Lessons Learned? Kathleen Abrahamson, Greg Arling, Tetyana Shippee, Kathleen Unroe


Annual Symposium

The Center on Aging and the Life Course sponsors an annual symposium, typically during fall, and monthly colloquia during the academic year. Prior speakers at the annual symposia are listed below.

For CALC symposium videos, please visit our Symposium Video Play List

Center on Aging and the Life Course Symposia, 1999-Present
Date Theme Speakers
October 20
The Nexus of Nutrition and Physical Activity for Optimal Aging Roger Fielding, Libby Richards, Chad Carroll, Bruno Roseguini, Wayne Campbell
September 9
Elder Mistreatment: Prevention, Complexities, and Future Directions Pamela Teaster, Peter Lichtenberg, James Appleby
September 10
Changes in Well-Being and Health After a Transition to Family Caregiving William Haley
September 27
Age and Social Connectedness Benjamin Cornwell, Karen Rook
September 28
Technological Innovations for Optimal Aging Wendy Rogers, Denise McAllister Wilder, Brandon Pitts, Jacob Monroe, Satyajit Ambike, Thomas Siegmund
September 15
Health Across Generations Mary Beth Terry, Jonathon Wells
September 16
Time Horizons and Optimal Aging Laura Carstensen, David Ekerdt
October 2
Optimizing Functional Ability in Later Life Wojtek Chodzko-Zajko, Sarah L. Szanton
September 5
Avenues to Optimal Longevity S. Jay Olshansky, Rafael de Cabo
September 20
Aging Families and Health: Social Influences on Health Lifestyle Choices in Later Life Deborah S. Carr, Karen Hooker, Alex Zautra
September 21
Health and Aging in Diverse Contexts: From Research to Policy Kyriakos S. Markides, Toni P. Miles, Douglas K. Miller
September 23
Comparative Longevity: From Cells to Societies Steven Austad, Eileen Crimmins
October 1
Relationships and Resilience in Later Life: Mechanisms for Optimal Aging Toni Antonucci, Rosemary Blieszner, Brant Burleson, Karl Pillemer
September 11
The Aging Brain David J. Madden, Mark Mattson, Naftali Raz
September 26
Family Relations and Late Life Health Cynthia Berg, Lynne Martire
September 21
Interdisciplinary Intersections: Inter-personal Relations Over the Life Course Susan Charles, Mary Lee Hummert, Katherine Newman
September 25
Tenth Anniversary Symposium: The Legacy of Longevity Toni Antonucci, Thomas Perls, Sidney Stahl, Kenneth Ferraro, David Waters
September 22
Aging and Stress: Behavioral and Biological Perspectives Monika Fleshner, Linda K. George
September 23
Early Origins of Adult Health: Social and Behavioral Processes Linda Burton, Richard Settersten, William Graziano
September 18
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Adult Health Vincent Felitti, Kristine Springer, Robert Hauser, Laura P. Sands
September 19
Aging as the Link between History and Biography Glen Elder, Jr., Cheryl Elman, Keith Whitfield
February 19
Why Do Minority Men Earn Less? Evidence from the Highly Educated Dan Black
November 27
Life Course Inequality: Antecedents and Consequences Chad Boult, Felicia LeClere, Angela O’Rand
April 14
Mechanisms and Consequences of Aging (biological) Frank Bellino, Robert Floyd, Leonard Hayflick, Arlan Richardson, David Waters
November 5
Calorie Intake, Oxidative Stress, and Aging Richard Weindruch