Faculty Associates

Brandon Pitts

Contact Information
Email: bjpitts@purdue.edu
Office: GRIS 288 Map
Phone: 765-494-0062
Fax: 765-494-7693
Homepage: Homepage
Associate Professor, School of Industrial Engineering

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Pillars of Interdisciplinary Research Excellence

Engineering over the Life Course


PhD University of Michigan Industrial and Operations Engineering 2016

Research Interests

Human factors, cognitive ergonomics, human-automation interaction, multimodal display design, aging and technology, aging and driving

Teaching Interests

Human factors, cognitive engineering, work analysis and design, gerontechnology


2020 - Ford Motor Company
2019 - Federal Aviation Administration
2019 - National Science Foundation
2019 - Center for Connected and Automated Transportation (CCAT) - U.S. DOT
2019 - Purdue Engineering Faculty Conversations (EFC)
2019 - Ford Motor Company (Ford-Purdue University Alliance)
2019 - ZF Automotive Group

Selected Publications

Sridhar, H., Huang, G., Thorpe, A. J., Oishi, M., & Pitts, B. J. (Accepted). Characterizing the effect of mind wandering on partially autonomous braking dynamics. To appear in Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems.

Gupta, S., Pitts, B. J., & Johnson, M. E. (Accepted). Automated Spoken PIREP to Coded PIREP in General Aviation. To appear in Journal of Aerospace Information Systems.

Yang, J. Liang, N., Pitts, B. J., Prakah-Asante, K., Curry, R, & Yu, D. (2023). An eye-fixation related electroencephalography (EEG) technique for predicting situation awareness: Implications for driver state monitoring systems. Human Factors, DOI: 00187208231204570.

Yang, J., Liang, N., Pitts, B. J., Prakah-Asante, K. O., Curry, R., Blommer, M., Swaminathan, R., & Yu, D. (2023). Multi-modal Sensing and Computational Intelligence for Situation Awareness Classification in Autonomous Driving. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, 53(2), 270-281.

Carstens, D. S., Harwin, M. S., Li, T., Pitts, B. J., Futrell, M., & Caldwell, B. (2022). GA Pilot Perceptions of Speech Systems to Transcribe and Submit PIREPs. International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace, 9(4), 8.

Frazier, S., Hass, Z., McComb, S., & Pitts, B. J. (2022). The moderating effects of task complexity and age on the relationship between automation use and cognitive workload. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 1-19.

Huang, G., Hung, Y., Proctor, R., & Pitts, B. J. (2022). Age is more than just a number: The relationship among age, non-chronological age factors, self-perceived driving abilities, and autonomous vehicle acceptance. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 178, 106850.

Huang, G. & Pitts, B. J. (2022). To Inform or to Instruct? An Evaluation of Meaningful Vibrotactile Patterns to Support Automated Vehicle Takeover Performance. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems.

Frazier, S., Pitts, B. J., & McComb, S. (2022). Measuring Cognitive Workload in Automated Knowledge Work Environments: A Systematic Literature Review. Cognition, Technology & Work, 24(4), 557-587.

Werner, L., Huang, G. & Pitts, B. J. (2022). Smart Speech Systems: A Focus Group Study on Older Adult User and Non-User Perceptions of Speech Interfaces. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 1-13.

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