Note: The Gerontology Minor is closed to new applicants. Students interested in studying gerontology should pursue the Dual-title PhD or the Gerontology Graduate Certificate
The minor in gerontology offers graduate students in any Purdue department the opportunity to expand their interest in aging across several disciplines. Alumni with this additional concentration will add to the understanding of the aging process in all careers, improving the quality of life for the aging population
Successful completion of the gerontology minor requires 15 credit hours of aging-related coursework in at least three different departments.
Students may propose additional courses, including independent study, to be used in completing the gerontology minor. Credit hours may also be transferred from another university, provided the criteria provided by the Purdue University Graduate School are met. Up to seven credit hours may be approved by petition to the CALC Steering Committee.
Download Credit Petition Policies here.
Download the petition form here.
All 600-level advanced methods courses that are not basic prerequisites for other degree programs are eligible for gerontology course credit provided the student's projects, papers, and presentations in the course focused on aging/life course content, subject to the approval of the CALC director through an expedited review process. Credit hours achieved through this expedited review are in addition to the seven credit hours which may be obtained through the standard petition process. Students may access the expedited review process by emailing the course syllabus, number of credit hours, and all relevant work product to the CALC Assistant Director, Paige Ebner, at