Gerontology is the study of aging across the life course. It is interdisciplinary in its approach, incorporating information from the fields of biology, psychology, sociology, family studies, health education, nutrition, pharmacy, and many others. Gerontology research projects at Purdue University are helping to understand the basic mechanisms of aging and the maintenance of independence in later life. Current studies of aging cover a wide range of topics including, but not limited to, health dynamics, cognition, disease prevention, retirement preparation, and financial security.
Gerontology represents an intellectually exciting field of study in which students can integrate information from diverse fields of inquiry. The interdisciplinary nature of the program is consistent with recommendations by the National Research Council that schools broaden the education graduate students receive in order to make them more valuable in the workplace.
Purdue University was founded in 1869 as Indiana's link in the nationwide chain of land-grant universities. With an enrollment of nearly 50,000 students, Purdue is one of the 50 largest universities in America. A variety of distinguished graduate and professional programs are offered at Purdue University, ranging from biochemistry and pharmacy to psychology and family studies. Recent national surveys rank many of the University's graduate programs among the country's top 20. An internationally renowned faculty at Purdue University is engaged in research which is supported by over $500 million annually in grants and contracts.
The Center on Aging and the Life Course was founded July 1, 2003, and offers the world’s first dual-title gerontology PhD program. The Center on Aging and the Life Course emphasizes "the long view" in the study of aging.
Purdue’s Gerontology Program is a campus-wide unit involving over 60 faculty in 21 different departments. The program contains sufficient flexibility to accommodate diverse interests, and presents students with a comprehensive overview of the field of gerontology.
Beyond classroom instruction, students benefit from working with Purdue University faculty in research projects and/or fieldwork activities. Research projects related to aging have been supported by a variety of sources including the National Institute on Aging, Retirement Research Foundation, United States Department of Education, AARP Andrus Foundation, American Federation for Aging Research, and Walther Medical Research Foundation.
At Purdue University, the Gerontology Program of the Center on Aging and the Life Course offers two post-baccalaureate educational opportunities for the study of aging.
Students may enroll in the groundbreaking dual-title PhD in gerontology. This degree program links the disciplinary depth of a traditional PhD with the interdisciplinary breadth of gerontology. Students are admitted through and meet all course requirements in their home department, while taking courses in aging in at least three disciplines and focusing their dissertation on an aging related issue or problem. For more information, go here.
Designed for professionals in the field of aging as well as current Purdue graduate students, the graduate certificate introduces the interdisciplinary study of aging through core courses. Those enrolled in the certificate will enhance their knowledge of the aging process and the issues facing an aging population by exposure to the latest research and applications. For more information, see here.
Some CALC Faculty Associates are starting to offer online options. Generally, the courses connected with the Gerontology Program are not offered online.
The graduate certificate can be incorporated into nearly any Masters or PhD plan of study. The departments partnering with the gerontology program for the dual-title PhD include:
For the dual-title PhD, once you have been admitted to the Graduate School in your home discipline, you may fill out this application. An interview with the director of the program will be scheduled to discuss your interests.
For the Graduate Certificate, an application to the Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars is required.
The dual-title PhD in gerontology and a related discipline is a dual-title degree, not two PhD degrees. Transcripts for the dual-title PhD state the home discipline/gerontology as the major. For the Graduate Certificate program, the certificate will appear on the transcript of students enrolled in this program.
All faculty associates are listed on the CALC webpage, here, along with information on their teaching and research interests.
To earn a dual-title PhD in gerontology and a related discipline, your advisor or co-advisor must be a faculty associate. For the graduate certificate, it is not necessary for your advisor to be a faculty associate.
CALC students have the opportunity to compete with other interdisciplinary students for the Bilsland Fellowship through the Office of Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs. In addition, various research grants held by Faculty Associates often have research assistantships.
CALC funds part of the travel expenses to attend the Gerontological Society of America’s Annual Meeting each November for those students who help staff our booth in the exhibit hall. Occasionally, funds are made available for summer research workshops and conferences.
The courses approved for the gerontology program are listed here. Please note that some are unconditionally approved and another group is dependent on content and instructor. A third group requires a student petition.
Students may propose additional courses, including independent study, to be used in completing the dual-title PhD. Credit hours may also be transferred from another university, provided the criteria set by the Purdue University Graduate School are met. Up to seven credit hours may be approved by petition to the CALC Steering Committee. Download Credit Petition Policies here. Download the petition form here. The director will contact you with the decision following review by the CALC Steering Committee. It is also possible to petition for gerontology credit toward the dual-title PhD for 600-level methods courses. These petitions may be directed to the CALC director. For more information on the petition process, see here.
Frequent contact with your major professor is important throughout your graduate work. When you near completion, a representative from the gerontology program will check your plan of study to confirm that you have the necessary credits for the dual-title PhD or the graduate certificate.
The Center on Aging and the Life Course sponsors several colloquia throughout the course of the academic year. Watch here for upcoming events that are open to the public. Also, follow us on Facebook or Instagram for quick notes and links to current events in aging and the life course.