2024-2025 Audition Information

All candidates are required to be currently enrolled in a Band/Orchestra course for credit, and will commit to continued enrollment in a Band/Orchestra course next semester if selected.
· Candidates will be considered for a fall-semester-only placement if the spring semester is occupied by co-op, study abroad, or student teaching.
· December 2024 graduates will be allowed to audition for a fall-semester-only placement.
· Previous Boiler Brass members who are off campus this fall for one of the above reasons will, upon their return to campus, be allowed to play an audition for spring-semester-only placement.
· Students who are actively participating in a department curricular ensemble without enrollment (with permission of the department) are considered to be in compliance with the requirement.
Absolutely no exceptions beyond the above will be permitted.
Woodwind and Brass players will need to prepare the entire audition sheet for their instrument. All parts are to be played in the exact written octave unless otherwise specified. When two octaves are presented, the upper octave is preferred.
Electric Bass players should audition using the Tuba/Bass Trombone part, but play all lines in the correct sounding octave (bass parts are written an octave higher than they sound). Electric Bass players will also be given a Tuba part to sight-read in the appropriate octave.
Guitar and Drum Set players will be asked to demonstrate a variety of styles, play Hail Purdue “IC,” and play along with a track to be selected prior to the audition.
Woodwind and Brass auditions will be conducted on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 at various times throughout the day and evening, and TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 from 6:00-9:30 PM. You may sign up for your audition on Professor Conaway’s office door (Hagle 309). If neither of these dates fit your schedule, you must email Professor Conaway ( no later than FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 at 12:00 Noon to arrange another time. Late auditions will not be allowed!
The roster of Woodwind and Brass performers is expected to be released on Wednesday, September 25. Students who are not selected are strongly encouraged to audition for Gold And Black Sound, our outstanding Women’s Basketball band! Check Dr. Petersen’s door (Hagle 383) for audition information!
Drum Set, Electric Bass, and Guitar candidates need to email with your availability for the evening of Wednesday, October 2. The audition window is 6:00-9:30 PM, but you would only be needed for 10-15 minutes of that time. Results would be released on or before Friday, October 4.
We expect every game this season to sell out, so we have to be careful with the size of the band. Our intent is to accept the following minimum numbers of performers on each instrument, but this is subject to adjustment up or down based on the quality of auditions. In short: everyone accepted to Boiler Brass is expected to be an outstanding player.
· 4 Piccolo
· 4 Bb Clarinet
· 6 Alto Sax
· 4 Tenor Sax
· 18 Trumpet
· 8 Mellophone
· 15 Trombone/Baritone
· 6 Sousaphone
· 2 Drum Set/Aux Percussion
· 1 Electric Bass
· 1 Guitar
The most up-to-date schedule for the basketball season is always available at As of this writing, we do not yet have the dates for Big Ten Conference games. We will perform at all home basketball games while classes are in session, and select groups will travel to post-season tournaments. Also expect two Partners in Music Education trips in the spring semester, as well as occasional wrestling and baseball games.
The expectation is that if you are selected, you will participate in all games that do not directly conflict with a scheduled course meeting or exam, and will clear your schedule of work commitments. Games designated as “Winter Break” games will be almost completely staffed with PBO Alumni.
Boiler Brass conducts all of its rehearsals prior to the first game. Our rehearsal schedule is as follows, with all rehearsals in Hagle 178 unless otherwise announced later.
· Wednesday, October 9, 8:00-10:00 PM
· Tuesday, October 15, 6:30-8:30 PM
· Thursday, October 24, 8:30-10:00 PM (Mackey Arena)
· Tuesday, October 29, 6:30-8:30 PM