The Applied Music Studies program offers students private lessons on piano, guitar, and chamber music. Instructors are professional musicians from the region. Lessons are scheduled on a semester basis. Various lesson packages are offered on a non-credit basis with a special lab fee based on the number of lessons scheduled.
Students who play at an advanced level and are interested in receiving 1 hour of academic credit may audition and then register for BAND 12000. Students receiving credit must complete a jury/recital at the end of this semester.
Openings for Golden Girl, Girl-in-Black, Miss Boilerette, Silver Twins and the All-American Twirling Team.
- Early Action Application Deadline for Purdue University- November 1, 2024
- Email your materials –Applications due by email to Morgan Loetz,, by 11:59pm on December 31st, 2024.
- Cover letter- indicating all of the positions you are interested in auditioning for and your upcoming year and major at Purdue University.
- Twirling resume and contact information including phone number, email address, and mailing address.
- 5-minute unlisted YouTube video- featuring yourself twirling and including a solo performance and live performance.
- Invitations to in-person auditions will be extended
- After review of audition materials from step 1, invitations will be extended for in-person auditions on campus.
- Invitations for in-person auditions, along with audition packets, will be sent out by January 20th, 2025.
- In-person auditions- February 22, 2025
- All twirlers will complete the audition requirements for the All-American Twirling Team, regardless of the positions they are auditioning for. Soloists will have additional requirements they need to complete as seen in the bottom of this section.
- All-American Twirling Team requirements:
- A freestyle twirling routine
- Time limit is 2-1/2 minutes
- You may use any number of batons
- No props or fire batons will be allowed
- You will learn a routine the day of in-person auditions to be performed for judges
- A public relations test interview- you are expected to know about the “All-American” Marching Band and Purdue Twirling traditions. For more info:
- A freestyle twirling routine
- Soloist requirements in addition to those listed above:
- A down the field marching routine to the Purdue fight song, Hail Purdue.
- Each instrumental part of your routine should cover the length of a basketball court.
- The song will be played while you perform down the court, you will sing the chorus at the opposite end of the court from where you started, and then the instrumental version will play again while you move back down the court.
- You will perform an improvised routine.
- A down the field marching routine to the Purdue fight song, Hail Purdue.
- Invitations for all positions will be extended-all applicants will hear no later than 2 weeks from the date of in-person auditions.
Any questions or concerns, please contact Coach Morgan Loetz, Auxiliary Director, at
Important Dates
- 1/19/25: Audition Clinic
- 2/21/25: Video Audition links posted to website
- 3/2/25: Audition Clinic
- 3/21/25: Deadline for all Video Submissions
- 3/28/25: Finalist notified & invited to in person, Final Auditions on 5/3/25
- 4/25/25: Audition Day video sent to Finalists
- 5/3/25: In person, Final Audition Day!
The 2025-2026 Purdue Golduster Dance Team auditions consist of a first round, video submission audition and then from there, individuals will be invited to Audition Finals on campus.
Preliminary Video Submission
Your submission video should consist of the following, IN THIS ORDER…
- State your first and last name
- State your academic status with the university
- Your short answer to the question, “Why do you want to be a member of the Golduster Dance Team?”
For example, “My name is ___, I have been admitted to Purdue University and have accepted my admittance. I want to be a part of the Golduster Dance Team because ____.” Please be in camera view from the waist up (headshot format) & answer the question as if giving a 20 second “elevator pitch.”
Demo of technique
- Right, Left (straight on) & Center splits (face the side)
- Right leg hold turn (facing right)
- Right triple (or more) turn/pirouette (straight on)
- Right & Left split leaps (facing right & left)
- Right calypso leap (facing right)
- Right turning disc (straight on)
- 4 counts of 8 turn combo of choice (straight on)
- Aerial of choice (right, left or front)
Demo of choreography combo
8 counts 8 of your own jazz choreography/improv
- your time to demonstrate any personal tricks or skills that showcase your personality & your abilities the best
Attire for video
- Any form fitting & solid colored workout/dance attire, ie. leggings, biker shorts, sports bra, crop top. Just no loose or baggy clothing that could obscure your quality of movement.
Your video submission must be in the format of an unlisted YouTube video! Please be sure to film your videos where you have adequate lighting & space to fully execute all skills/routine. Your video should be filmed horizontally & not vertically. You may cut & edit between technique skills and segments, but you should NOT edit multiple takes of the combo together, it needs to be one full run. Your video submission needs to be emailed to coach Natalie at Please label your video as: your first name, last initial, underscore, title of the video & the year. For example: NatalieH_PrelimAudition2025. Have the label of your video as the email subject line as well. Make sure the email address you submit your video from is one that you use & have access to, as that email is what will be used to notify finalists. Videos MUST be submitted by March 21, 2025, at 5:00pm eastern time! No late submissions will be accepted. Please reach out to coach Natalie if you have any questions!
2025-2026 Purdue Golden Silks Color Guard Auditions
When? – Saturday, April 26th
• 8:30 AM – Doors Open
• 8:30-9 AM – Check-In
Where? – Lambert Gym, 800 W. Stadium Ave. West Lafayette, IN 47906 (Gym located on 2nd floor)
What to wear?
• Plain black tank top or t-shirt
• Plain black leggings or athletic shorts
• Jazz shoes or tennis shoes
Register for Auditions HERE.
Registration will close on Friday, April 18th at 5pm (no exceptions).
What to Prepare?
• There will be a routine to learn via video prior to audition day. The video will be sent on Saturday, April 19th. All candidates should come prepared to perform the routine live at auditions. Audition day will consist of a technique round in the morning and a choreography round in the afternoon.
• If you need a flag, you will receive one the day of the auditions.
4/26 Audition Schedule:
• 8:30-9 AM – Check-In
• 9-9:15 AM – Warm-Up
• 9:15-11:45 AM – Technique/Skills Audition, Learn New Choreography
• 12 PM-1 PM – Lunch Break
• 1-5 PM – Choreography Audition
Technique Skills:
• 45 toss
• Double toss
• Parallel toss
Questions or Concerns?
• Please reach out to Coach Furr at and Director of Auxiliaries Coach Loetz at
Have lots of questions? Unsure if Purdue is for you?