For New Students

Not sure what to make?

Get started in a new field with a fun workshop

Browse some example projects

Operating Hours by Lab:

July 17, 2024
  • Composites: Closed: 12:00 am-11:59 pm

  • Fabrics Lab: Closed: 12:00 am-11:59 pm

  • Hot Works: Closed: 12:00 am-11:59 pm

  • Metal Shop: Closed: 12:00 am-11:59 pm

  • Electronics: 9:00 am-5:00 pm

  • Wood Shop: 9:00 am-5:00 pm

  • Printing & Prototyping: 12:00 pm-3:00 pm

Step 1: Initial Project Consultation (~10 mins - 1 hr)

  • During our operating hours join our Discord Server, and hop on the Front Desk channel.
  • The Front Desk will connect you with an available Peer Mentor and help you start a consultation.
  • You may have to provide information about material, purpose, design etc. Keep that information handy before you get in a consultation. Hint: Volunteering, tours and learning to use equipment are all projects.
  • From the consultation you should get project viability, resource list, learning resources, project workflow etc. Hint: Take notes!


Step 2: Project Proposal (~10 mins)

  • Create a project proposal on our Project Management System.
  • Make sure to type in the resources based on your initial consultation
  • Proposals are not automatically approved! You need to hop on Discord in order to get them approved by a Peer MentorHint: It is best to get this done during Step 1.

Step 3: Finish Initial Agreements Quizzes (~10 mins - 30 mins)

  • Take the quizzes based on your project in the Project Management SystemHint: You can click on the quizzes in the Project Management System to jump to the quiz. You have to accept the badges for them to be complete.


Step 4: Further Consultations (~1 hr - 3 hrs)

  • Depending on the nature of the project there might be multiple subsequent consultations. These could be on Discord or in-person (decided by Peer Mentor start in Discord) at the Center. Hint: Always take notes! Share what you have discussed with the last Peer Mentor. Simple web searches can often solve a lot of problems; save the difficult questions for the Peer Mentors.
  • Ask the Peer Mentor if you are ready for a Reservation.

Step 5: Reservation (~10 mins)

  • File a Reservation on our Project Management System.
  • Reservation are not automatically approved! You need to hop on Discord in order to get them approved by a Peer MentorHint: It is best to get this done during Step 4.
  • Show up for you reservation on time. Hint: Make sure to have your PPE!

For Existing Members