Response Policy

Created on 8/25/2020

To fulfill its mission of supporting students, discharge its legal obligations, etc. an orderly environment of compliance with safety policies and operational policies is required. In cases of non-compliance this policy details the response protocol for employees and students in the center.




All individuals are requested to make good faith efforts to resolve situations without escalation. The following protocol is required and no steps may be missed. At any point the process can be ended by the individual complying but reporting may still be required.

  1. Ask nicely if they are aware they are acting unsafely or are not compliant.
  2. Offer to assist them to comply (if qualified to do so), seek assistance or schedule training. The non-compliant activity cannot be allowed to continue.
  3. Inform the individuals the activity must stop and REPORT. Reporting is not optional if this stage is reached.
  4. Inform the individuals the activity must stop and that you are leaving to get assistance. Leave the situation and ALERT.

Example responses to safety concerns

Ask NicelyOfferInform & REPORTLeave & ALERT
Ask if the individual is aware that face coverings / social distancing / … are necessaryIf available, offer to give the individual a mask or show them appropriate distancing, …If non-compliance continues, inform the person they must leave & REPORTIf non-compliance continues, leave and ALERT immediately
Ask if the individual is aware of the safety violation and the need to act safelyOffer to demonstrate, provide or schedule training or support them to act safely. Do not allow unsafe activity to proceedIf training declined or non-compliance continues, inform the person they must stop & REPORTIf non-compliance continues, leave and ALERT immediately

REPORT procedure

  • Not suitable for an ongoing situation
  • Can be delayed from the incident
  • A report using the form is required, regardless of delay or subsequent events
  • Information needed: Name, project, date-time, problem

ALERT procedure

  • Ongoing situation
  • Must not be delayed
  • Seek assistance, in order from:
    1. Staff. Preferred option.
    2. Graduate employee / student supervisor. Not preferred, and graduate/supervisor has the discretion to not engage and call police
    3. Call 911, request the police. Explain:
      1. Who you are: “I am an employee of the center, and I have a responsibility for safety in the center”
      2. What is going on: “The is an ongoing problem with a student behaving unsafely and refusing instruction to stop. They may get hurt and will not listen to instructions”
      3. Where it is happening: “Room 103, Bechtel Innovation Design Center, Purdue, 1030 3rd Street, West Lafayette, IN”
      4. Who they are/description
  • Report details using the form for documentation purposes

REPORT and ALERT form link