Receiving Policy

All members and teams can ship items to the center so long as they comply with the following rules.


Definitions (Click To Expand):
  1. Members: Purdue students with an active project on the Project Management System
  2. Teams: Either Purdue student groups and/or clubs that have an active project on our Project Management System or are assigned a space in our Assembly BIDCB003. 
  3. Central Lost and Found: A sub section of Purdue Surplus that manages lost and found items for Purdue. 
  4. Lost and Found: A location in the center where we store unclaimed items for a week. 
  5. Controlled Door: A door that only opens with the ID of an authorized individual.  


  • You can send packages to the Center is at your own risk. No compensation will be provided for lost, damaged or stolen items. 
  • Abandoned packages may be sent to the lost and found. 
  • Our exterior doors are locked to the public outside of opening hours and cannot be made open for your packages. 


  • Pick up your packages in <= 7 days from the day they were received. This only applies during the Fall and Spring semester. 
  • Pick up any packages that are too large to fit on our packages rack in <= 2 business days. This only applies during the Fall and Spring semester. 
  • Do not leave empty boxes, pallets and/or packaging material in the center. 
  • Teardown packaging upon receiving. 
  • Small packaging can be disposed of in the trash. 
  • Larger packaging that doesn’t fit in the trash needs to be disposed of in the dumpsters in the center’s loading dock. 
  • Do not store items on the member packages rack, it is only for received shipments. 
  • If your package requires rigging, please contact a staff member via Discord >= 2 business days prior. Clearly indicate the weight of the package. 


  1. Address packages to: 
    • Purdue email 
    • Team name 
    • Project name 
  2. Only ship items that you will take elsewhere or have the designated space to store in the center. Improperly stored items will be moved to lost and found. 
  3. Deliveries anticipated during our closing hours or oversized packages should be picked up immediately as they are likely to be left outside of the center by the shipping company.