
Frequently Asked Questions

Biomass Calculator


  • Fixed Plot Factor        Basal Area Factor
  • 12 ft.       16 ft.
  • * Denotes Required Field
  • * Site Quality:
       High – deep, moist, productive soils and site conditions.
       Low – shallow or droughty soils or other conditions that restrict growth.
       Average – typical forest soil and site conditions

  • * For existing inventories - If you have a previously developed timber inventory and if you have access to the individual tree data collected during the inventory, these data could be entered in the biomass calculator to obtain biomass estimates for your property. The forester who conducted your inventory may have a copy of your raw field data.


  • * Roadside costs are derived from a biomass harvesting study conducted by Purdue University and a logging contractor.
  • * Revenue estimates are based on a low and high timber quality value for a lump-sum sale of standing trees.
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Species Price / Board Foot

All Trees

Species Listing Species Group* DBH Log Height* Number of Trees Del
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* Species Group: for example – low, medium, or high value species; sawtimber vs. veneer log trees; harvest, TSI trees, etc.

* Trees under 12 inch diameter will not be assigned log height value.


*Make sure all required fields have been filled in