A stated meeting of the Purdue University Board of Trustees convened on Friday, October 7, 2022, at 10:36 a.m. in Room 326 of Stewart Center on the campus of Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana.

Trustees present: Michael Berghoff, chairman; Sonny Beck; JoAnn Brouillette; Theresa Carter; Vanessa Castagna; Malcolm DeKryger; Mark Gee; Michael Klipsch; Gary Lehman, vice chairman; and Shawn Taylor.

Officers and administrators in attendance were: Mitch Daniels, president; Jay Akridge, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs and diversity; Chris Ruhl, chief financial officer and treasurer; Eva Nodine, senior vice president, assistant treasurer, and assistant secretary; Steve Schultz, general counsel; Cindy Ream, corporate secretary and senior executive assistant to the Board; Ron Elsenbaumer, chancellor, Purdue Fort Wayne; and Tom Keon, chancellor, Purdue Northwest.


Chairman Berghoff called the meeting to order and noted all trustees were in attendance.


The Audit and Enterprise Risk Committee, Academic and Student Affairs Committee, Finance Committee, and Physical Facilities Committee all convened public meetings immediately prior to this Stated Meeting. Chairman Berghoff read the list of items on which the Committees voted to recommend full Board approval, which includes the unanimous consent agenda along with other routine items, as follows:

  • Minutes: Executive Session - August 4, 2022; Stated Meetings - August 5, 2022;
  • Determination of Presidential Performance At-Risk Pay for 2021-2022;
  • Approval of Employment Contract for Mung Chiang
  • (SW) Approval to Renew Property Insurance Policy;
  • Approval to Award Posthumous Degrees to (PNW) Olivia Porter and (WL) Minxi Yang;
  • (WL) Ratification of Dr. Hong Tan as the Keysight Professor in the Elmore Family School of Electrical and Computer Engineering;
  • (WL) Ratification of Dr. Jen-Shin Ma as Dean’s Chair in Soybean Genomics;
  • (WL) Ratification of Dr. Veera Gnaneswar Gude as the NiSource-Meyer Charitable Foundation Professor;
  • (WL) Ratification of Dr. Loona Lou as the Reilly Professor in the Lyles School of Civil Engineering;
  • (WL) Ratification of Dr. Young June Son as the Ransburg Professor of Industrial Engineering;
  • (WL) Ratification of Dr. Chris Coleman as the Mark and Maureen Miller Head of the School of Nursing;
  • (WL) Ratification of Dr. Ceridwyn King as the White Lodging Services Head of the White Lodging – J.W. Marriott, Jr. School of Hospitality and Tourism Management;
  • (WL) Approval to Award Honorary Doctorate Degrees, Spring 2023;
  • (WL) Approval of Naming of the Accenture Smart Factory Lab;
  • (WL) Approval of Purdue Institute for National Security;
  • Approval of Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory (ADDL) State Line Item;
  • Approval of Housing and Dining Rates;
  • (WL) Approval to Plan, Finance, Construct and Award Construction Contracts for a) University Hall and Related Renovations; b) Libraries Study Space Renovations; and c) Purdue Memorial Union Second Floor Hospitality Renovation
  • (WL) Approval to Execute Lease for a Portion of fuse in West Lafayette;
  • (SW) Approval of conflict-of-interest disclosures and;
  • (SW) Approval of exceptions to the nepotism policy.

Chairman Berghoff asked if any of the Board members wished to have an item removed from the consent agenda for further discussion. Hearing no such request, and upon proper motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Trustees voted unanimously to approve the unanimous consent agenda. Supporting materials were filed with the minutes.


President Daniels profiled the gifts of $1,000,000 or more which the university had received since the Board’s Stated Meeting on August 5, 2022. He noted in particular that the Larson’s were celebrated at Homecoming for their generous gift of $10M. The donors of these gifts were recognized in the following Resolution of Appreciation:

WHEREAS, the following friends of Purdue University have generously contributed $1,000,000 or more to move Purdue to greater excellence and preeminence; and

WHEREAS, the University wishes to acknowledge the significance of these gifts to new directions, advancements, and momentum in Purdue’s history, progress, and future;


1. That the University and the Trustees are grateful to these individuals for their leadership and support of Purdue University; and

2. That this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the Board of Trustees as part of the permanent record of the University.

FRIENDS: Accenture, to support Purdue Polytechnic Institute; Marshall and Susan Larsen, to support the School of Business; David Merrick and April Cheung, to support Purdue Polytechnic Institute; Michael and Nanci O’Brien; to support the College of Veterinary Medicine; and Jeffrey Skinner and Shauna Brummet, to support Purdue Bands & Orchestras.

Upon proper motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Trustees voted unanimously to approve the resolution. Supporting materials and a formal copy of the resolution were filed with the minutes.


President Daniels began by stating in the schedule of reports for accountability, October is the month for enrollment, graduation rates and related topics. He shared the surge of applications, over 68,000 this year, and noted the astonishing performance of the enrollment team to sort through so many. He highlighted the biggest surge was from those outside of Indiana and commented that we often hear that in addition to the continued reputation for quality it was less expensive to come to Purdue than to stay in their own home state. He emphasized the increase from 9,700 degrees conferred to 13,000, noting we don’t want to be judged by how many we turn away but how many we turn out. President Daniels shared a slight decrease in enrollment at the two regional campuses noting that it was a common trend across campuses nationwide. Purdue Northwest Chancellor Tom Keon shared that the freshman class is up 21% and transfers were up 12% over previous years. He noted enrollment going over 25% Hispanic so they will be named a Hispanic serving institution by next year. President Daniels shared that Purdue Northwest is the most diverse campus in every way with a total minority population of 36%. Purdue University Fort Wayne Chancellor Ron Elsenbaumer reported that the graduate student population has grown exponentially, and the international student population skyrocketed. He also shared a revenue increase for the first time in many years. President Daniels complimented both Chancellor Keon and Elsenbaumer for managing to keep their budgets in balance against some difficult challenges. Purdue Global Chancellor Frank Dooley provided details on the upcoming commencement ceremony and encouraged everyone to see what it is about, noting that it is an emotional and memorable experience. President Daniels shared that over 100,000 students are now being served throughout the Purdue system. The Purdue Polytechnic High School enrollments are close to 1,000 students and anticipated growth to be well over that in the next few years. He shared that one particular shift to note is in the STEM Discipline, an increase in undergraduate degrees of 15% in the last ten years. President Daniels finished his presentation with the retention and graduation rates noting growth but there is still room for improvement. He noted that the average time to degree is 3.91 on Purdue West Lafayette campus recently and that is something to be proud of. A copy of President Daniels’ report was filed with the minutes.


Provost Akridge respectfully requested approval to appoint Dr. Stephan R. Biller as the Harold T. Amrine Distinguished Professor of Industrial Engineering in the College of Engineering. He informed the Board that Dr. Biller joined Purdue in August 2022 and is the former CEO and Chief Strategy Officer of Advanced Manufacturing International, Inc. Dr. Biller enjoyed a distinguished career prior to his role at AMI, has 11 patents, 23 trade secrets and has been the recipient of many high level awards. He has clearly established himself as a recognized leader in multiple aspects in manufacturing system design, operation, and improvements. It was noted by colleagues that Dr. Biller’s cross-disciplinary and multi-university collaborations as well as additional opportunity for developing relationships with company and agencies, and his ability to add a different dimension brings tremendous value to faculty and students. Upon proper motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Trustees voted unanimously to ratify Dr. Stephan R. Biller’s appointment as the Harold T. Amrine Distinguished Professor of Industrial Engineering in the College of Engineering. Supporting materials were filed with the minutes.

In remarks of appreciation, Dr. Biller noted that he was so humbled, honored and very thrilled to be at Purdue University. He thanked his wife for her support and his former advisor. He also thanked the Board and President Daniels for the appointment.


Chairman Berghoff noted that Don Thompson was not able to attend the meeting today. He shared that both Don and Trent Klingerman were recognized at a dinner earlier this week. Don served on the Board from 2009-2022. He led Purdue’s Equity Task Force and has been a major supporter of the College of Engineering and the School of Management. His selfless contributions, humbleness and genuineness shined through every day and at every minute you were with him, as well as his heart of pure gold (and black) both of which have been instrumental in a variety of successes at Purdue. He received the Dreamer Award in 2021 which is presented annually to an individual or organization within the Purdue community whose contributions embody the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr,’s vision of service to others. The Trustees all know the impact Don had on this board and want to recognize that. Along with contributions beyond just his time but also with his wallet to the university, Don and Liz have been very generous. The Trustees recognize Don Thompson and his positive impact as a member of the Purdue University Board of Trustees and his contributions to the university are part of the great, permanent history of Purdue and will never be forgotten. Upon proper motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Trustees voted unanimously to approve the following Resolution of Appreciation for Don Thompson, a formal copy of which was filed with the minutes:

WHEREAS, Don Thompson served as a member of the Purdue University Board of Trustees from 2009 to 2022, led Purdue’s Equity Task Force and has been a major supporter of the College of Engineering and School of Management; and

WHEREAS, Don’s impact and commitment to Boilermakers continues to be one of his strongest sources of pride – reflected in his years of working to advance Purdue’s commitment to diversity; and

WHEREAS, Don and his wife, Liz (both Purdue graduates), created a $1 million endowment for the College of Engineering and the Minority Engineering Program – which has been key to the graduation of nearly 3,000 underrepresented minority students at Purdue since 1974 and which supports programs like the Engineering Academic Boot Camp, designed to support the transition of underrepresented students to campus life; and

WHEREAS, Don’s selfless contributions, humbleness and genuineness – as well as his heart of pure gold (and black) – have been instrumental to the success of the Dr. Cornell A. Bell Business Opportunity Program, the bedrock of the School of Management student diversity efforts; and

WHEREAS, Don received the Dreamer Award in 2021, presented annually to an individual or organization within the Purdue community whose contributions embody the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s vision of service to others and further the University’s commitment to diversity; and

WHEREAS, Don earned his electrical engineering degree from Purdue in 1984, earned the Outstanding Electrical and Computer Engineering Award and was named an Old Master in 2006, and has worked to leverage all of his personal experiences on campus as a dedicated and engaged alum for the greater good of future Boilermakers who have come after him; and

WHEREAS, Don received the Humanitarian Award from the Illinois Holocaust Museum in 2012 and the Black Enterprise Executive of the Year award in 2007; and

WHEREAS, Don’s vision for service has made a difference in the lives of millions of customers and employees across the country throughout his career at Northrop Grumman Corp.; at McDonald’s Corp., where he served as president and CEO from 2012 to 2015; and as CEO and founder of Cleveland Avenue;


1. That the Trustees recognize the positive impact of Don Thompson as a member of the Purdue University Board of Trustees, as leader of Purdue’s Equity Task Force and as a major supporter of the College of Engineering and School of Management; and

2. That enormous gratitude and appreciation are expressed to Don for his loyalty and service to Purdue; and

3. That Don is to be congratulated and thanked for his tremendous contributions to our University; and

4. That his achievements are part of the great, permanent history of Purdue and will never be forgotten; and

That this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the Trustees as part of the permanent record of the University.


The second resolution was for Trent Klingerman with Chairman Berghoff noting that Trent was currently en route to Vermont where he will be Vice President for Legal Affairs and General Counsel at University of Vermont. While at Purdue from 2012 to 2022 Trent served in key leadership positions. He was elected as the first in-house deputy general counsel in Purdue history. Prior to taking on that historic role in the Office of Legal Counsel, Trent served as vice president for human resources and director of employee relations. He led the expansion of health care benefits and wellness opportunities via Healthy Boiler, including an increase in autism coverage and the addition of dental insurance. In his roles as a trusted counselor and an advisor, Trent became known throughout the Purdue system for his unmatched work ethic, his pragmatic, solution-oriented approach, and his demonstrated mastery of legal and policy issues. Trent earned his undergraduate degree in 1994. The Trustees recognize the positive impact of Trent Klingerman as a key member of the Purdue University leadership team and express enormous gratitude and appreciation for his loyalty and service. Upon proper motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Trustees voted unanimously to approve the following Resolution of Appreciation for Trent Klingerman, a formal copy of which was filed with the minutes:

WHEREAS, Trenten D. Klingerman served in key leadership positions for Purdue University from 2012 to 2022; and

WHEREAS, in 2016, Trent was elected as the first in-house deputy general counsel in Purdue history, a position in which he also served as the University’s first chief privacy officer; and

WHEREAS, prior to taking on that historic role in the Office of Legal Counsel, Trent served as the University’s vice president for human resources and director of employee relations; and

WHEREAS, during his time in human resources, Trent led the expansion of health care benefits and wellness opportunities via Healthy Boiler, including an increase in autism coverage and the addition of dental insurance; and

WHEREAS, even before being named Deputy General Counsel, Trent was instrumental in helping develop the internal legal function of the University, both in his human resources role and by volunteering to serve as a designated special counsel for challenging legal matters; and

WHEREAS, in his roles as a trusted counselor and an advisor, Trent became known throughout the Purdue system for this unmatched work ethic, his pragmatic, solution-oriented approach, and his demonstrated mastery of legal and policy issues; and

WHEREAS, Trent is held in high esteem for his understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing global research institutions and is regarded as a person of the highest integrity, a consummate team player and a strong administrator; and

WHEREAS, Trent began his law practice, and later became a partner, at the firm of Stuart & Branigin, representing the University in many matters over the years before joining Purdue; and

WHEREAS, Trent taught courses in mass media and employment law at Purdue; and

WHEREAS, Trent earned his undergraduate degree from Purdue in 1994;


1. That the Trustees recognize the positive impact of Trent Klingerman as a key member of the Purdue University leadership team; and

2. That enormous gratitude and appreciation are expressed to Trent for his loyalty and service to Purdue; and

3. That Trent is to be congratulated and thanked for his tremendous contributions to our University; and

4. That his achievements are part of the great, permanent history of Purdue and will never be forgotten; and

5. That this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the Trustees as part of the permanent record of the University.


Provost Akridge started by acknowledging the partnership with Administrative Operations and the support of the Trustees. He stated this makes Purdue University the most innovative residential learning program in the U.S. among large research universities. He noted some of the student and faculty requests as; ability to move around the classroom, projection and display, flexible seating and space to work together. Classroom Master Plan Recommendations were shared noting the renovation of 92 existing classrooms over 4 years with an $8.4M investment and impacts 35% of the space. Provost Akridge respectfully requested that the Board endorse the recommendations of the Classroom Master Plan. Upon proper motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Trustees voted unanimously to approve the Transformative Education 2.0; Classroom Master Plan. Supporting materials and a copy of the presentation was filed with the minutes.


Dr. David Hummels, Dean of the School of Business began by sharing that the undergraduate program enrollments are rapidly rising and the graduate programs have doubled in size. He noted some of the challenges which include a sharp decline in the number of senior faculty leaders due to retirements, heavy teaching loads and space limits which effect the quality of the student experience. Dean Hummels commented on the increased percentage in 4 year graduation rates noting it is 79%. He highlighted the faculty and national reputation noting that Purdue has four Top 50 Undergraduate Business Professors and the number one most cited female scientist in academic finance worldwide. He shared statistics on how the Purdue School of Business compared with other AAU business schools noting above 90th percentile in multiple categories of research productivity. Dean Hummels noted goals and changes for the new School of Business include a modern facility, new degrees and more faculty. A copy of supporting material along with the presentation were filed with the minutes.


Chairman Berghoff shared two Board assignments that need approval. Gary Lehman is recommended as a Group II Director for the Purdue Research Foundation Board for another three-year term as his term is expiring. Upon proper motion duly made and seconded, the Purdue University Board of Trustees voted unanimously to approve this assignment. The Purdue University Fort Wayne Foundation Board of Directors recommends Vicki E. Churchwood be reappointed as a Purdue Director for a term of three years. Upon proper motion duly made and seconded, the Purdue University Board of Trustees voted unanimously to approve Vicki E. Churchwood as the Purdue Director of the Purdue University Fort Wayne Foundation Board of Directors.


As a final action item, the Board needed to elect a successor for Trent Klingerman. Steve Schultz, General Counsel shared some background for Adrian Allen who is being recommended for election of Deputy General Counsel. He noted that Adrian joined Purdue in 2014 from Stuart & Branigin and has steadily expanded his practice since then, from supporting physical facilities projects and real estate transactions to serving as primary counsel on University financings, environmental compliance and our most complex transactions, including the State Street

Redevelopment Project, the Union Club Hotel and PMU renovations, and our P3 housing projects. In addition to his portfolio as Chief Transaction Counsel, Adrian will share responsibility, as Deputy General Counsel, for advising University senior leadership and the Board of Trustees on legal and policy matters. Upon proper motion duly made and seconded, the Purdue University Board of Trustees voted unanimously to elect Adrian Allen as Deputy General Counsel.


By consent, the meeting adjourned at 11:58 a.m.

  • 10-7-22 | Stated Meeting