Organizing Committee
Co-Chair: Rabih Talhouk, Professor of Arts and Sciences, American University of Beirut, Lebanon
Co-Chair: Martine Bellanger, Professor of Health Economics
Head of the MPH Programs and Deputy Director of the Center for Public Health Policy Analsysis(CAPPS), EHESP- French School of Public Health
Co-Chair: Sophie A. Lelièvre, Associate Professor of Basic Medical Sciences
Leader, Breast Cancer Discovery Group, NCI-designated Purdue Center for Cancer Research, Purdue University
Co-Chair: Connie Weaver, Distinguished Professor of Foods and Nutrition
Deputy Director, Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute-CTSI, Purdue University
Rebecca W. Doerge, Professor of Statistics
Director, Statistical Bioinformatics, Purdue University
Ellen Gruenbaum, Professor of Anthropology
Department Head, Anthopology, Purdue University
Joseph Irudayaraj, Professor of Biological Engineering, Purdue University
Meghan McDonough, Assistant Professor, Health and Kinesiology, Purdue University
Dorothy Teegarden, Professor of Foods and Nutrition
Leader, Cancer Prevention and Control Branch, Oncological Sciences Center
Strategic planning:
Sandra Liu (Professor, Department of Consumer Sciences); Perry Kirkham (Project Coordinator Purdue, Office of the Vice President for Research)
Candiss Vibbert (Associate Vice Provost for Engagement, Purdue), Kris Swank (Project Coordinator, Oncological Sciences Center, Purdue), Céline Lefebvre (Assistante pédagogique, Département Sciences Humaines, EHESP)
Scientific Committee:
Martine Bellanger (Professor of Health Economics, Head of the MPH Programs and Deputy Director of the Center for Public Health Policy Analsysis(CAPPS), EHESP- French School of Public Health); Sophie Leliévre (Associate Professor of Basic Medical Sciences, Purdue); Connie Weaver, (Distinguished Professor of Foods and Nutrition, Purdue)
Sarah Anderson (Designer/Writer), Phillip Fiorini (Senior Communications/Marketing Specialist), Tim Newton (Director External Relations and Communication, Purdue), Angela Roberts (Graphic Designer/Writer)