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How do I set quiz restrictions for Academic Integrity in Brightspace?

  1. From the course navigation bar, click Course Tools, select Quizzes from the drop-down, and click the name of the quiz or create a new quiz.

Availability Dates & Conditions

  1. From the Availability Dates & Conditions section, you can set the Start Date and End Date of the quiz.  This is optional.  The Start Date establishes when students will be able to enter the quiz and begin answering questions. The End Date establishes when the quiz will no longer be available for students to enter.  From the center of the page, you can also set the Due Date of the quiz.  Quizzes submitted after the due date will be marked late.
    PLEASE NOTE:  The quiz must be made Visible in order for it to become available to students during the timeframe you establish.  When a quiz is made visible, students will see the quiz exists, but will not be able to enter it until the Start Date/Time you establish.  If the quiz is hidden, students will not be able to see the quiz exists.
  2. Release Conditions enable you to restrict the visibility of a quiz until students have met one or more established criteria. An example of this might be creating a release condition requiring that students have submitted to an assignment.  Once they submit that assignment, the quiz will become visible to them.
  3. Special Access settings enable you to extend or set alternative availability of a quiz for specific students. This is often used if students are unable to complete the quiz during the established timeframe due to illness or other conflicts. For information on establishing DRC-related time accommodations, please visit Purdue’s Brightspace documentation webpage.screenshot
  4. Password enables you to set a custom password for the quiz.  When in use, students will be prompted to enter the quiz password before entering the quiz.  This feature is often used for proctored exams or exams that will take place in-person.  The instructor or proctoring software then shares the password at the start of the exam.
  5. IP Restrictions enable you to restrict access to a Brightspace quiz to a specific IP range.  This could theoretically be used to restrict access to the quiz to a specific computer lab.

    PLEASE NOTE: We do not recommend using this feature.

Timing & Display

  1. Set time limit enables you to establish how long students have to complete the quiz.  screenshot
  2. Timer Settings enables you to set whether the quiz should be asynchronous or synchronous.  You can also establish how you would like the quiz to function once the time limit is up.screenshot
  3. Paging allows you to customize how questions are presented to students in the quiz.
  4. Shuffle quiz questions and sections... will provide each student with the questions in a different order than their peers receive them.

 Last Updated: 10/11/2023