Business Office for Student Organizations (BOSO)

Financial and Business Services for Purdue Recognized Student Organizations.

Mission: The Business Office for Student Organizations is cultivating leaders, nurturing financial stewardship, and providing resources that enhance the student experience. 

Student Organizations – User Guide

It is the responsibility of the president and treasurer to review the Student Organizations User Guide.

General financial procedures, including receiving and dispersing of funds are to be made in accordance with policies and procedures as prescribed by the Business Office for Student Organizations.

Resources / Links

Important Items for Purdue Organizations and Clubs to know.

IRS E-card or other tax return requests for your student organization should be directed to BOSO.

BOSO presents information in the Student Activities and Organizations (SAO) mandated workshops.


Some documents on this website are published in Portable Document Format (PDF). To view these documents, you must use the Acrobat Reader. If you do not have the Acrobat Reader, it can be downloaded at no cost from Adobe. Click here to download the latest Acrobat Reader.

Regulations and Student Conduct for
Recognized Student Organizations

These, in general, state the expectation that Purdue students will at all times conduct themselves as responsible citizens. Failure to show respect for duly established civil laws or University regulations will be handled by the Office of the Dean of Students.

Student Organizations
– Financial Arrangements

All student organizations, except student housing organizations not under the direct management of Purdue University, are required to handle their Student Organizations – Financial Arrangements through the Business Office for Student Organizations.

Contact Us

Office Address:
Purdue University
Krach Leadership Center (KRCH)
1198 Third Street, Room 365 
West Lafayette IN 47907

Office Hours (EST):
Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.

General Email:

Purchasing Email:

Contracting Email:

Phone:  765-494-6724

Fax:  765-496-2208