Attention: PaymentWorks Vendor Portal Implementation
PaymentWorks has been selected to manage Purdue’s vendor information through a cloud based vendor portal. The implemenation will take about four weeks and is scheduled to be completed by the end of March. What is a vendor portal and how will it impact you? Checkout the PaymentWorks Vendor Portal Resources page for more information.

Accounts Payable
The Purdue University Accounts Payable Office delivers professional services through accurate and timely payments, training, and customer support.
Invoices and inquiries should be sent to
Questions regarding new vendor setup and changes to vendors can be directed to the Vendor Data Team at
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Business Operations and Centers
Specialized operation centers provide support for payroll, purchasing and travel activities. Efficient business processes rely on ready access to transactional resources. These resources as well as center directories can be found here. The Operations Centers are led by the Director of Business Operations and Administration.
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Culture and Communications
The Culture and Communication working group fosters the development of a collaborative, supportive and accountable culture within the Finance division. Members are charged with identifying, recommending, and implementing engagement opportunities for the Finance team.
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Finance Team Resources
Resources that may be helpful to staff across the Finance organization including websites and a list of Finance and select university email aliases.
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Training Resources
Finance Training is defined as formal, trackable training programs, typically offered through the SuccessFactors Learning Module. The development, maintenance and tracking of these programs are the responsibility of the Director of Training and Communication. Finance training expectations by position type are guided by the Finance Training Matrix. Quick Reference Guides and other process documents can be found in their respective functional areas.
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Director of Financial Affairs
An archive of materials maintained on the legacy Director of Financial Affairs SharePoint site are maintained by the Operations team. Materials include DFA meeting minutes, diversity expenditure reports and merit materials from FY20, FY21, FY22. Requests for this data can be made to the Director of Training and Communication.

About Us
The Operations team includes the Business Operation Centers (Payroll, Procurement/Travel), Communications and Training and Accounts Payable. This team is responsible for ensuring business processes operate efficiently and effectively in support of university financial activities.