Candidate Status
Undergraduates and Professional students (College of Veterinary Medicine/College of Pharmacy)
In order to be eligible to receive a degree at the end of the current academic session, you should have applied for Graduation by the deadline listed in myPurdue. You can find the link and deadlines in myPurdue: Destination Graduation channel. For information on how to apply to graduate, go here. Check with your academic advisor or the candidate coordinator in your college/school's academic advising office to confirm you are on track to graduate in the term you applied to graduate.
Applying to graduate will add you to your college candidate roster only. A "commencement" link will appear on your portal page during the term of graduation.
If candidates do not fulfill their degree requirements in the term they applied to graduate, it will be necessary to submit a new application for a subsequent semester. Please contact your advisor for further information.
Graduate students
In order to be eligible to receive a degree at the end of the current academic session, you should have a candidate course (CAND) in your registration. Check with your major professor or Graduate Registration Contact in your department if you are not registered in a CAND course in the semester you plan to graduate.
If candidates do not fulfill their degree requirements, it may be necessary to register for a subsequent semester in order to complete degree requirements. Please contact your major professor or Graduate Registration Contact in your department for further information.
Final candidate status
Questions concerning your final status as a candidate should be directed to your college/school advising office.