Workshop AIrTonomy


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Today’s autonomous aerial vehicles lack the artificial intelligence needed to safely operate in real-world urban air mobility environments. This 2-day workshop will assemble autonomy researchers to discuss and refine use cases and capabilities of a research infrastructure, called AIrTonomy, that would allow them to tackle this challenge using cyber and physical infrastructure components remotely from anywhere in the world.

Featured Speakers

Simon Thompson

Simon Thompson 

CEO, Windracers

Julia Allen

Julia Allen

CTO, Saab, Inc.

Day 1 | Setting the Stage: Autonomous Aerial Vehicle (AAV) Landscape and Gaps


Park in Convergence Center Parking lot (bring parking ticket to Burton Morgan for validation)

Convergence Center, 101 Foundry Dr, West Lafayette, Indiana



Burton Morgan Center for Entrepreneurship, Cafe Area, 1201 W State St, West Lafayette, Indiana

8:15 – 8:30

Opening Remarks: Purdue’s Investment into the Future of a Cyber-Physical Infrastructure for Safe and Trustworthy Physical AI and Smart Crossways of America

Speaker: Karen Plaut, Executive Vice President for Research (EVPR), Purdue University

Burton Morgan Center for Entrepreneurship, Room 121

8:30 to 9:30

Introduction of AIrTonomy: What’s AIrTonomy, Sabine Brunswicker

Burton Morgan Center for Entrepreneurship, Room 121

9:30 to 10:30

How AIrTonomy can help researchers to tackle the 1:100 problem of human-autonomy teaming, Julia Allen, Vice President & Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Saab Inc.

The gaps in the existing research infrastructure for safe and trustworthy AI/ML for truly autonomous aerial vehicles

Burton Morgan Center for Entrepreneurship, Room 121

10:30 to 11:00

Break with transition to demonstration site

Transportation provided

11:00 to 13:00

Signal degradation demo

Solving the problem of 1:100 for operating the large fixed-wing UAVs; Demonstration of Research in Progress using AIrTonomy’s PURT and SOC to design AI/ML with the goal to move from 4:1 to 1:10 within 2 years

Demo at Purdue Indoor Motion Capture Lab: One downscaled version of ULTRA delivering paper clips to multiple locations using autonomous taxiing , AI/ML-based dynamic path planning and AI/ML enabled defense against spoofing attacks to safely operate under harsh conditions

Demo at the Smart Operations Center (SOC): Remote operator monitoring the mission leveraging real-time human sensing of cognitive load and situation awareness

VR/AR Demo George

Demo Moderator at PURT: James Goppert 

Demo Moderator at SOC: Sabine Brunswicker

PURT, SOC, Smart Operations Center

13:00 to 14:00

Live Lunch with from Lab to Life Experience: 

Demonstration of remote operations of the largest fixed-wing UAV available in the USModerator: Joseph Roberts, Purdue Liaison, Windracers Group LLC

Remote Operator: N.N.

SOC, Smart Operations Center, PURT

14:00 to 14:30

Q&A from the audience:  What are requirements for realistic indoor testing for successful transition from lab to life? What are the challenges? 

Panelists: Philip Pare, Berkay Celik, Inseok Hwang, James Goppert, Joe Roberts

Moderator: N.N.

SOC, Smart Operations Center, PURT

14:30 to 15:15

Break with transition to meeting site

Transportation provided

15:15 to 15:45

Coffee break/dessert with poster session and “poster pitches”

Burton Morgan Center for Entrepreneurship, Cafe Area

15:45 to 17:00

R&D USE CASE 1: AI/ML for perception-based navigation in urban canyons’ under conditions of signal degradation – the role of indoor testing, Karthik Dantu, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Drones Lab, University of Buffalo 

R&D USE CASE 2: Explainable AI for Aerodynamics/Propulsion modeling – Why PURT is needed, Devesh Upadhay, AI/ML Lead Skapa, SAAB

R&D USE CASE 3: Sim-to-Real for Human-Autonomy-Teaming: What can we learn from research self-driving cars?

Burton Morgan Center for Entrepreneurship, Room 121

17:00 to 17:30

Panel discussion: 

Panelist: Karthik Dantu, Inseok Hwang, Ziran Wang, 

Moderator: Yuehwern Yin

Burton Morgan Center for Entrepreneurship, Room 121

17:30 to 18:00

Reception & Networking

Burton Morgan Center for Entrepreneurship, Cafe Area

18:00 to 19:30

Conference Dinner with Dinner SpeechSpeaker: Simon Thompson, CEO Windracers Group

Burton Morgan Center for Entrepreneurship, Cafe Area

Day 2 | Amplifying the capabilities of AAV research infrastructure to tackle the challenge of using cyber and physical infrastructure components remotely from anywhere in the world


Park in Convergence Center Parking lot, meet in Convergence Center Lobby

Convergence Center, 101 Foundry Dr, West Lafayette, Indiana


Transition to Martell Forest

Transportation provided



Purdue Martell Forest, 1007 N 725 W, West Lafayette, Indiana

9:00 to 9:30

Opening Remarks

NSF’s expectations towards future midscale RI-1 infrastructure grants

Speaker: Dr. David Corman, Program Director leading Cyber Physical Systems (CPS), Smart and Connected Communities (S&CC), and CIVIC Innovation Challenge Programs, National Science Foundation

Purdue Martell Forest, 1007 N 725 W, West Lafayette, Indiana

9:30 to 10:30

Live Demonstration, Tours, followed by Onsite Presentation

Forestry Drone Lab Demo: Leveraging UAVs for Remote Environmental Sensing and Forestry

Moderator: Songlin Fei, Purdue University

Purdue Martell Forest, 1007 N 725 W, West Lafayette, Indiana

10:30 to 10:45

Transition back into room

10:45 to 11:45

Lightning Talks: 

R&D USE CASE: AI/ML for successful UAV-enabled firefighting using AIrTonomy’s onboard and ground infrastructures, Songlin Fei, Purdue University

R&D USE CASE: Optimizing edge computing for precision agriculture using AIrTonomy infrastructure , Christopher C. Stewart, Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, The Ohio State University

R&D USE CASE: Deployment and Use of Private Cellular Networks in Agriculture, Scott A. Shearer, Professor and Chair, Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering, The Ohio State University

Purdue Martell Forest, 1007 N 725 W, West Lafayette, Indiana

11:45 to 12:15

Keynote: The unique capabilities the Purdue Triangle of AIrTonomy from the Perspective of Airspace Integration and Sensor/Communication Infrastructures, Gerald Charlwood, Saab Airborne Systems, Former CTO

Purdue Martell Forest, 1007 N 725 W, West Lafayette, Indiana

12:15 to 12:45

Lunch with Poster Session

Purdue Martell Forest, 1007 N 725 W, West Lafayette, Indiana

12:45 to 13:15

Collaboration between sites to leverage the benefits of AIrTonomy

Presentation from Ismail Guvenc, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, PI of NSF AERPAW Project, North Carolina State University

Purdue Martell Forest, 1007 N 725 W, West Lafayette, Indiana

13:15 to 13:45

Panel discussion on topics: What are critical AI/ML challenges for research on remote sensing and urban airspace integration?

Purdue Martell Forest, 1007 N 725 W, West Lafayette, Indiana

14:00 to 14:30

Transition to Purdue, break

Transportation provided

14:00 to 14:30

Access from Anywhere in the world: How the cyber components of AIrTonomy will change how US researchers will perform research on physical AI

Carol Song, Chief Scientist RCAC, Purdue University, and Vipin Chaudhary, Case Western Reserve University

Burton Morgan Center for Entrepreneurship, Room 121

14:30 to 14:45

Business Model and Sustainability: Who and how are we paying for the sustainability of the infrastructure?

AIrTonomy’s envisioned freemium model

Purdue Martell Forest, 1007 N 725 W, West Lafayette, Indiana

14:45 to 15:15

Keynote: What it takes to sustain an infrastructure like AIrTonomy, Kyle Snyder

Burton Morgan Center for Entrepreneurship, Room 121

15:15 to 16:00

Closing Industry Panel: Advancing  Aviation Innovation: What It Takes: Meet the CEO’s from four promising Purdue startups advancing several next generation air mobility innovations to market.  Learn what it takes and the importance of collaboration and partnerships.

Matt Bechdol, GRYFN – provider of data and analytics captured by multi-sensor UAV solutions to drive actionable decisions beginning with the agriculture market.

Nick Gunady, Aerovy – energy grid infrastructure management for future of EV air mobility

Duncan Mulgrew, Uniform Sierra Aerospace – autonomous drone technology targeting emergency response use cases

Aaron Pierce, Pierce Aerospace – secure airspace monitoring and surveillance platform

Moderator: David Broecker, Chief Innovation and Collaboration Officer, Purdue Research Foundation

Burton Morgan Center for Entrepreneurship, Room 121

16:00 to 16:30

Announcement of best R&D use case based on community rating (social media) and feedback from online participants; announcement of lead user task force

Burton Morgan Center for Entrepreneurship, Cafe Area

16:30 to 17:00

Closing Remarks and Next steps
AIrTonomy Team

Burton Morgan Center for Entrepreneurship, Cafe Area


End of Event

Hampton Inn Lafayette

Address: 3941 South Street Lafayette, Indiana 47905 USA | Room Block, rate of $199, block closes on 8/27/2024 | Booking Link | Government Rate

Holiday Inn Laf City Centre

Address: 515 South Street Lafayette, Indiana 47901 | Government Rate

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