Research at AIDA3


What does AIDA3 do?

We perform research that leads to scientific discoveries.

The groundbreaking research we do at AIDA3 will revolutionize multiple aviation sectors, significantly enhancing safety, efficiency, and collaborative capabilities in critical real-world applications. Windracers is providing Purdue with two fixed-wing UAVs, valued at $1.5 million, to be used by AIDA3 researchers.

We’re tackling two primary challenges in leveraging AI for aviation: Increasing autonomy and intelligence of uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs) and other systems used throughout the aerial value chain, while ensuring economically efficient, safe and trustworthy human involvement.

Our team will realize new models and systems that allow UAVs to sense data in real-time and take independent actions. These systems will produce trustworthy actions not just in simulated environments but in the physical world. Further, researchers will design and validate systems that pair human and autonomous systems to ensure safe and scalable operations while augmenting humans to perform novel remote tasks.

Current Projects

Work with us!

Our team has identified key problem areas that each of our research pillars expects to address. Get hands-on in world-class facilities with leaders in autonomous vehicle technologies. Email about opportunities to get involved.

Composite of four images. The first is a large drone seen from above. Second is a drone flying over a wildfire.
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