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Goals, Performance and Merit Process Overview

To:        Executive Vice Presidents, Chancellors, Vice Presidents, Vice Chancellors, Vice Provosts, Deans, Directors, and Heads of Schools, Divisions, Departments and Offices

From:   Bill Bell, Vice President for Human Resources

Date:    October 31, 2019

RE:       Goals, Performance and Merit Process Overview

As of today, more than 89 percent of our employees have completed the first step in the performance and merit process by setting goals through SuccessFactors. This is an excellent start as we continue to establish our performance management and merit process. As a pay for performance organization, the performance review and merit process are tightly linked – merit decisions are guided by employee performance. You will see this reflected in the planning and timing of the upcoming performance review and merit administration process.

Moving forward, managers and employees should periodically review progress toward goal completion and can make any needed edits along the way. In addition to goal completion, as part of the performance review all staff employees will be evaluated against a standard group of core competencies. Similar to past performance appraisals, these will include job performance, professional development, culture and values. Communication on competencies, goals and completing performance assessments – including updated training materials and resources – will begin in January.

For advance planning purposes, following is a snapshot of the performance and merit timeline:

  • All staff employees establish goals in SuccessFactors within 30 days of hire/transfer; employees and managers continue to review goal progress through March 1.
  • Staff employees complete annual performance self-assessments by March 13; managers complete assessments by April 3.
  • HR business partners collaborate with senior leaders to finalize performance scores by April 30.
  • The merit process will begin in May and include performance evaluation information for reference in allocating merit.
  • Merit-eligible employee data freeze begins May 10 and ends when merit is effective in SuccessFactors.
  • Managers conduct employee performance and merit discussion with employees starting mid-June.
  • Merit increases go into effect on July 1.

Thank you for your continued support of Purdue’s performance management process.