Campus Emergency Status

West Lafayette location is under normal operations

Indianapolis location is under normal operations

Timely warning messages at Purdue

Timely Warning messages and the Annual Security Reports are part of Purdue University’s commitment to providing campus-area crime information in compliance with the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act or, Clery Act, as it is commonly known. For more information on the Clery Act please visit

Text messaging sign up for students, faculty and staff

Sign up for PurdueALERT text messaging or update your information.

Following @purdueemergency on X (Twitter)

You must have a X (Twitter) account to get notifications from @purdueemergency. You may need to log into your X (Twitter) account to see this timeline for the most current updates.

Prepare for emergencies

Prepare for emergencies and learn more about PurdueALERT at

Safety Contacts

Call or Text 911 for emergencies - Police, Fire and Emergency Medical Services


Call or Text 911
Purdue Public Safety Dispatch Center for Police, Fire and Medical Emergency Services

Purdue Police
Phone: 765-494-8221

Purdue Fire
Phone: 765-494-6919

Emergency Preparedness
Phone: 765-494-0446

Environmental Health and Safety
Phone: 765-494-6371