E101 Cultivating Readiness – Environmental Spills and Emergencies in Agriculture

Archived Webinar


Join IDEM, OISC and others discussion about Ag spill-related topics including preplanning, event response and risk management.

About this Event

Cultivating Readiness – How to Prepare and Handle Environmental Spills and Emergencies in Agriculture

Farm operations handle a variety of chemicals and other materials safely each year. That management can include pesticides, fertilizers, fuels, oils as well as natural items such as manure and crop residues. Proper management practices can reduce the probability of spills. However, spills will occur despite the best of management practices. Are you prepared and know what to do when a spill occurs?

Join Indiana Department of Environmental Management staff from the Emergency Response Section, Office of Indiana State Chemist, Indiana Department of Homeland Security, and other experts in a discussion about spill-related topics including preplanning, event response and risk management.

Who Should Attend?

This presentation is intended for farmers, agricultural-related businesses, consultants, and spill contractors that would benefit from an overview on spill prevention and response.

E101 is a free training series offered by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) Compliance and Technical Assistance Program (CTAP) staff. E101 trainings are designed to educate individuals in charge of managing environmental responsibilities at Indiana businesses, but is open to anyone interested in the subject matter. The goals of this training series are to assist agricultural professionals in understanding current state and federal environmental regulations, determine how the regulations apply to Indiana businesses, and demonstrate how to implement practices that strengthen environmental compliance and sustainability efforts.

Click the image above to download IDEM’s Quick Response Sheet in pdf format. The sheet includes spill response instructions and emergency phone contacts.


If you need more information contact: inprepared@purdue.edu.

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