Purdue Extension Succession Planning Team to Present 3 Part Webinar Series – February 8, 15, 21; 6:30-8:30 E.T.
Farm families are facing many challenges when making decisions about the future: markets and weather issues are seemingly always present; the COVID pandemic continues to affect many aspects of our daily lives; and, communication issues and conflicts affect even the closest of families, especially with regard to management and succession of the farm business.
To help families address these issues, the Purdue Extension Succession Planning Team is hosting a 3-night webinar series entitled “Keeping the Farm Resilient in Uncertain Times” to begin on February 8th and continue on the 15th and 22nd. Each evening’s program will start at 6:30 p.m. E.T., and conclude at 8:30 p.m. E.T. Registration fees for the full 3-part program are $30 per family.
Topics will include how to adapt and plan in uncertain times, financial feasibility related to succession, selecting the right business structure (lawyer), and conflict management/communication strategies.
For more information about the program, and for registration information, please CLICK HERE to download a flyer. Or go directly to the registration site at: www.tinyurl.com/PU-SP2021
If you need more information contact: inprepared@purdue.edu.
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