Young & Beginning Farm Worker Materials
Attachment 1: Summary of 2021 Agricultural Confined Space-Related Incidents
Attachment 2: Agricultural Hazardous Occupations Order
Attachment 5: Pre- and Post-test Key
Attachment 6: Blank Certificate of Completion
Attachment 8: List of Supplemental Resources
Attachment 9: Suffocation Hazards in Flowing Grain
Attachment 10: OSHA Grain Safety Hazard alert
Attachment 11: OSHA Youth in Agriculture Fact Sheet
Attachment 12: How to File a Complaint with OSHA
Attachment 13: List of Agricultural Confined Spaces
Attachment 14: OSHA Confined Space Entry Standard
Attachment 15: OSHA Combustible Dust Explosions Hazard
Attachment 16: Grain Dust and Mold During Harvest
Attachment 17: OSHA Grain Handling Standard
Attachment 17A: OSHA Grain Handling Standard Appendix A
Attachment 18: OSHA Protecting Workers from Heat
Attachment 19: OSHA interpretations regarding exemption
Attachment 20: OSHA interpretations regarding sweep augers
Attachment 21: OSHA Interpretations Regarding Exempt Agricultural Operations
Attachment 22: Example Worker Qualification Form for Grain Storage Structures
Attachment 23: Example Worker Qualification Form for Operating Augers