Student’s Consulting Startup is a Reflection of ENTR Course Content

Kate Workman professional picKate Workman, a recent Purdue graduate in public relations and strategic communications and certificate in entrepreneurship and innovation, started an online marketing and communications consulting business in May 2016. She gives credit to her Purdue experience which prepared her to start a successful business.

Elevate Online LLC helps customers with social media, content marketing and graphic design needs. Although every customer is different, Workman has a similar approach in helping them tackler their online communication problems.

“I am using the skills I learned from my classes at Purdue to make a direct impact with my clients. I ask each customer what their problem is and I often hear the same response- what should I be doing online that works? I help clients identify who their audience is and define their brand voice. I then create a marketing strategy to move forward with.”

Workman credits her start up success to being part of the certificate program and the support of her parents.

“The Certificate in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Program was one of the highlight of my academic career at Purdue,” Workman said. “I loved the instructors and how they brought in real-world experience into their classroom. I took the introductory entrepreneurship courses and wanted to learn more, which led me to completing the certificate.”

ENTR 48100, Consulting for Emerging Enterprises, introduced Workman to consulting as a career.

Kris Taylor, ENTR 48100 instructor said in the course, teams of students apply entrepreneurship fundamentals to local businesses or nonprofits through a consulting engagement. “In the classroom component of the course, students learn the process and profession of consulting. The field component comprises carrying out a business-development consulting project for a client organization. Student teams use a three-stage consulting engagement model that guides them through the process of gathering and analyzing data, and generating value for a client through a set of recommendations.”

Workman adds that ENTR 48100 was an amazing class that gave her the knowledge and courage to start her own consulting business. “As I gained more experience in the class, the more I enjoyed consulting. Kris Taylor has gone from instructor to mentor. She has helped guide me through the process of starting a business. You never know where life is going to take you. I never thought I would be starting a business right out of college, but I have the knowledge and passion to make it successful, so I did it.”

Writer: Sayde Uerkwitz,

Sources: Kate Workman,
              Kris Taylor,