Our Story
Purdue’s Certificate in Entrepreneurship and Innovation program (ENTR Program) serves thousands of students from across campus each year. Annually, hundreds of Purdue graduates receive their certificates in addition to their diplomas. The program is administered through Purdue’s Office of the Provost and is located in the Burton D. Morgan Center for Entrepreneurship.
The ENTR Program is the hub for cross-campus entrepreneurship education at Purdue University and serves thousands of students from across campus each year.
Similar to a minor, this flexible program is designed to complement all majors.
We offer two living and learning communities – involving students from all majors, has a strong emphasis on diversity – demonstrating by a gender & leadership course offered by the program since 2008; and unique capstone courses related to entrepreneurial careers and leadership, consulting, and venture planning studio tailored to meet different student and career interests.

The place for entrepreneurship education @ PURDUE

The ENTR Program empowers students to turn their innovative ideas into action. In this flexible program designed to complement any major, students will:
– Learn how to evaluate and launch new venture opportunities.
– Develop viable business models through market research and financial analyses.
– Acquire the business literacy and professional skills demanded by today’s employers.
Upon completion, students receive an official certificate, which is noted on their academic transcript. Other benefits include:
– A unique and multidisciplinary experience Professional skills for work and life
– Enhanced job prospects and choices.
– Connections to successful entrepreneurs and innovators.
– Workshops, speakers, and experiential opportunities.
– Leadership and communication skills.