Akash Raju – Student Profile
Q: What is your major?
A: I am a double major in Computer Engineering and Industrial Management
Q: How does the Certificate Program tie into your majors?
A: The Certificate Program ties into my majors by teaching me how to turn technical projects or ideas into business ventures.
Q: What are a few standout moments for you in the Certificate in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Program?
A: I will never forget being able to sit in on a Certificate Program class, ENTR 48200, and listen to a Silicon Valley Investor give feedback to students who presented their final business plan. It was really exciting seeing how the culmination of presentations given through the various ENTR classes lead to presentations pitched in front of real investors from one of the hottest entrepreneurial cities in the world.
Q: What are your entrepreneurial goals for the future?
A: In the future, I want to start my own technology company focused around a central people-oriented product that betters everyday life and then expand to a product line focused on making life better.
Q: What is a fun fact about Purdue you like to share with others?
A: A fun fact I like to share about Purdue is that one of the best rookie professional basketball players, Caleb Swanigan, is a boilermaker.