Steps to Certificate Completion

Follow the simple steps below to successfully receive the academic credential.


1.) Discuss with Advisor – share your interests in the Certificate in Entrepreneurship and Innovation with your major advisor and together determine the best time to complete the required courses.

2.) Register for ENTR 20000 – with no application necessary, simply enroll in the first core course, ENTR 20000, Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Innovation, and begin the program.

3.) Overview of the Program – gain a general understanding of the Certificate in Entrepreneurship and Innovation with the ENTR director.

Program Overview Video

4.) Learn How to Complete Certificate Requirements and Create a Personalized Plan – while in ENTR 20000 with the ENTR advisor, (1) learn detailed academic requirements for the program, (2) learn how to leverage the MyPurdue Plan and Approved Course List tools, and (3) create a personalized plan for your route to complete the requirements.


5.) Register for ENTR 31000/31500/32500 (2nd core course) – choose from any of the three courses, ENTR 31000  Marketing and Management for New Ventures or ENTR 31500 Business Planning for Social Entrepreneurship or ENTR 32500 Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation.

6.) Monitor Progress Towards Completion – Use and reference MyPurdue Plan to track your completed certificate courses and progress towards completion. If courses are not populating as planned, work with the ENTR advisor.

Navigating MyPurdue Plan Resource

7.) Register for Option and Capstone Courses – utilize your personalized completion plan and coordinate with your major advisor. Note: you may have already taken some of these courses.


8.) Monitor Progress Towards Completion – Again, use and reference MyPurdue Plan to track your completed certificate courses and progress towards completion. If courses are not populating as planned, work with the ENTR advisor.

Navigating MyPurdue Plan Resource

9.) Apply to Graduate – during your last semester on campus, when you “Apply to Graduate” with your degree, make sure to also “Apply to Graduate” with the Certificate in Entrepreneurship and Innovation.

Apply to Graduate Resource

10.) Receiving the Certificate – Upon completion of the five required courses and upon completion of your degree, you will receive your Diploma and a Certificate in Entrepreneurship and Innovation.  The credential will be noted on your academic transcript.

Approved Course List Image


View a dedicated page detailing the five course requirements needed to complete the certificate

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View a comprehensive list of approved option and capstone courses across all colleges. Please refer to the website for the most up to date list.

see the offerings