Student Triumphs in Moonshot Pitch Competition with Innovative Energy Solution

Pictured above: Suryansh Panwar

In a remarkable showcase of innovation and entrepreneurial prowess, Suryansh Panwar, a Certificate in Entrepreneurship and Innovation student and double major in Applied Statistics and Statistics with a Math Emphasis from the College of Science, secured victory in the Moonshot Pitch Competition with his teammates Hayden Lo, Luke Hong, and Olivia Koo. Leading the Empyrean Energy team, Suryansh’s groundbreaking project not only clinched the Moonshot Category but also earned him recognition for the best pitch.

The Empyrean Energy project proposed launching a satellite into space equipped with solar panels to capture sunlight. This captured energy is then converted into microwaves and beamed back to Earth. Ground stations collect and convert these microwaves into usable electricity, offering a revolutionary solution to power towns and houses.

Suryansh’s success at the Moonshot Pitch Competition was rewarded with a total prize value of $1500, including $1000 for the category first prize and an additional $500 for having the best pitch. Reflecting on the journey, Suryansh expressed excitement and underscored the significance of winning two prestigious awards, marking a positive turning point after a challenging period.

The journey into entrepreneurship for Suryansh was fueled by a desire to start his own company. He attributes much of his success to Purdue’s Entrepreneurship program, citing courses such as Entrepreneurship 20000, 31000, and 48100 for providing the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the complexities of launching and managing a business. Suryansh’s participation in competitions like the New Venture Challenge has solidified his passion for entrepreneurship and sparked optimism about future endeavors, including potential ventures in consulting.

Beyond academics, Suryansh is actively involved at Ascend Purdue as an Events Officer and at GT-SCALA as a member of the Administrative Committee. Channeling his interests in automobile designing, he aspires to start his own automotive brand, Meguri. Suryansh’s entrepreneurial journey showcases the diverse opportunities available at Purdue University. As he anticipates graduation in May 2024, Suryansh remains driven by a commitment to innovation and a belief in the positive impact his ideas can have on the world.