Got Nature? Blog

In this episode of A Woodland Management Moment, Purdue Extension forester Lenny Farlee talks about the importance of oak regeneration. Oak is a ‘keystone’ species, integral to supporting many different facets of wildlife. This includes insects to large mammals all across the environment in Indiana and the central hardwood region. This video also shares details regarding Purdue’s initiatives to ensure the diverse ecosystems maintained by oak and to provide the resources needed to keep regenerating this integral tree

If you have any questions regarding trees, forests, wildlife, wood products or other natural resource topics, feel free to contact us by using our Ask an Expert web page.

A Woodland Management Moment, Playlist, Purdue Extension – Forestry and Natural Resources (FNR) YouTube Channel
Learn How to Support Oak-Hickory Ecosystems, Purdue Extension – FNR Got Nature? Blog
The Nature of Oaks Webinar, Purdue Extension-FNR YouTube Channel, Shared from Indiana Forestry & Woodland Owners Association
Oak Leaf Tatters, Purdue Landscape Report
Inonotus Dryadeus, Butt and Root Rot of Oaks, Purdue Extension – FNR Got Nature? Blog
Predicting the Height Growth of Oak Species Reproduction Over a 23-year Period Following Clearcutting, Hardwood Tree Improvement & Regeneration Center (HTIRC)
Conservation Tree Planting: Steps to Success, Purdue Extension – FNR YouTube Channel
Shrubs and Woody Vines of Indiana and the Midwest, The Education Store, Purdue Extension Resource Center
Native Trees of the Midwest, The Education Store
ID That Tree, Playlist, Purdue Extension – FNR YouTube Channel
Investing in Indiana Woodlands, The Education Store
Woodland Stewardship for Landowners Video Series, Playlist, Indiana Department of Natural Resources YouTube Channel
Ask an Expert: Tree Selection and Planting, Purdue Extension – FNR YouTube Channel
Forest Improvement Handbook, The Education Store
Find an Indiana Professional Forester, Indiana Forestry & Woodland Owners Association (IFWOA)
Purdue Arboretum Explorer

Lenny Farlee, Extension Forester
Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration Center
Purdue Department of Forestry & Natural Resources

Got Nature?
